[color=orangered][h3]Vexes~[/h3][/color] Completely mesmerized by the static on the television and the obvious irritation of the customer banging on it, it took a moment for her brain to register that the voice so close to her was actually directed at her. Her thoughts moved from [color=orangered][i] Okay, I don’t think kicking it will magically cause it to work[/i][/color] to instinctively finishing the sentence, [color=orangered] “Vexes, but you can just call me Vex.” [/color] Taking a moment to let [i] that[/i] sink it she realized she probably should know who she just gave her name to. It was of no particular importance really; she never was any good with staying out of trouble. First making eye contact with a jackalope [@Hawlin] the figure looked as though they recognized her. This only lasted for an instant; the deep voice did not belong to them. Pulling herself back into reality, she turned to discover the owner of the slightly gruff sound was that of the well-dressed wolf with quite the [i]interesting [/i] expression [@FallenTrinity]. [color=orangered] “I think we both know who nee…”[/color] Vex’s attempts on answering his original question was cut short by the Sacha’s comment. Unable to prevent the prick of her ears the mention of her working in the penthouse (the sudden movement of them sending her long feather earring into a swing) Vex was nearly unable to stop herself from laughing. Pulling her drink away from her mouth last second she was able to tone it down to a light scoff. Not one to be so easily offended she merely sprinkled a little sarcasm into her mood, [color=orangered] “Okay, I know people look down on the information business but what exactly do you figure I [i]do[/i] for a living?”[/color] [@VKAllen] “Don't mind him. He's just taking his broken TV frustration out on everyone else.” Though she never was one to take talk with more than a grain of salt, especially Sacha’s, what the man said at least gave her a little context. This made her glad she didn’t mention it earlier when she’d considered it. [color=orangered] “Awe, if that’s all that has you in a tissy I can take care of that. I noticed a TV in an apartment I was at this evening. Let’s just say it is [i]available[/i]” [/color]. Vexes figured the ox wouldn’t be needing it where he was going. Now the slot machine? There was nothing she could do about that. Finding the man next to her interesting at the least, if not a little charming she was about to ask his name when the rat’s body fell to the floor. Getting a better look at the guy’s face she recognized him as a big meth dealer. He probably just attempted to screw over the wrong person. Watching as Sacha began to head towards the body, she was intrigued when the wolf took care of the body. With a simple shake of his head, all who were spectating knew the life was out of the corpse. As he headed outside Vex lifted an eyebrow at her feline friend. [color=orangered][i]Just what exactly are you running here?[/i][/color] Her line of work matched with her own naturally curiosity boiled inside of her, beginning to brim to the top in the form of a verbal inquisition, when the sound of two gunshots caused her to close her mouth once more. They alone were her answer. [color=orangered] “This is a carney…that is what this is.”[/color] Swinging her stool around she took another sip of whiskey as she waited for the man to return. Whereas most would have sensed the dangerous undertone to him, Vix was so accustomed to the emotion she was now desensitized to it. There were few things she actually feared, most of which were insignificant in comparison, silly even. Coming back into the building, he took his seat back next to her going back to the previous conversation as if the last few seconds never happened at all; Vexes could play by these unspoken rules. [color=orangered] “Me? I am just attempting to stay out of trouble for three consecutive seconds. By the way Mr…”[/color] giving him a moment to fill in his own name she continued, [color=orangered]“if you see a large angry ox just give me a little warning so I can get a head start.”[/color] Her sentence ended with yelling about the slot machine in the background. There really was nothing she could do about that.