[h2]Maxxy [sup]The Hole[/sup][/h2] Maxxy was quite amused at the response of Jony (that was his name yeah?). Like most people, her inanity confused and befuddled him, but he looked to the absent Sacha for some form of advice or help. An odd course of action, considering he knew her about as much as Jon here did. Well, except for the whole 'I'm on the run from a gang' thing. Still, he responded, sticking to his guns that she was beautiful (he'd reconsider once their mission was done) and insisted on being a gentleman even in these trying times. What a dork. Almost reminded her of... nah, Sam would never use a word like 'procurer.' The thing that really caught her attention was that he totally had seen the DeSoto. It was also totally wrecked. And the Rabbit in Heat was totally gone. Damnit! She was super pissed, and Sam was going to be even more pissed! He loved that thing like his girlfriend, or his sister, or some bizarre and horrifying fusion of the two concepts! She should probably stop thinking in exclamation marks! She was so caught up in this horrifying revelation that she almost missed another, he took half up-front. She didn't bother to check exactly how many crowns she was getting for this, but it was probably more than she had at the moment. Taking out her wallet, she judged how much she had compared to what she was probably getting paid. Her guess was she had about 3/8's of the final product. Well if he was truly a gentleman, then he'd help this poor, down on her luck broad, even if she didn't have enough crowns. She hoped. Even if he didn't, there was surely some way to cheat here. Sam and Maxxy had done stuff like that plenty of times. But he was mainly the one who did all the heavy mental lifting. Also the physical heavy lifting. Ah well, she was sure she could do this. The old man who broke another thing, she could steal his wallet. He was probably pretty poor though. Then there was the dead guy... The dead guy, yeah! Once Jim had came back into the bar to flirt with some fox that probably didn't actually have any interest in him, she slipped out of the bar herself. Circling around the back, she found the corpse of the rat. Briefly, she wondered who he was, what life he lead. Why life had so cruelly been taken away from him. But then she realized she didn't care, and raided his corpse. Maxxy burst back into the bar only to almost bump into a masked man. She almost didn't recognize him, but it was definitely Sacha, speaking to her in a foreign voice. She remembered that phrase from somewhere. 'goodbye' or 'seeya' or some such. With that, he walked out of the bar with two men, a replacement bartender coming to take his place. That was certainly odd. Intimidating almost. Huh. [b]"Man, I think he was flirting with me. Any idea what 'Do Skorory Vee Sketchy' means?"[/b] She asked to the three seated at the bar, before turning to Jake. [b]"So, Jane, we leave in..."[/b] She flipped through the files nonchalantly, before coming across the date. [b]"Now. Here's 50% of your 50%,"[/b] She said, placing the money on the bar next to him. [b]"Oh, and if you meant 50% of [i]my [/i]pay up front, and 50% of [i]my [/i]pay after, then you're getting 50% of [i]your [/i]ass kicked!"[/b] The woman said with glee. The idea of getting into a fight with the man excited her, but she restrained herself for now. [b]"Anyways, I'm gonna hail us a cab. We've got friends to make!"[/b] She exclaimed, before hopping off the bar stool and making her way outside. She should have had enough for cab fare. Probably.