Damn it! He noticed. Of course he noticed. Nate closed his eyes and tried to keep from turning and yelling at JJ and Vin as Eli pointed at them. He also tried to keep his breathing steady. A job that was becoming increasingly difficult with the pressure in his chest. Eli wanted the others to go with some kid. An idea Nate wasn't entirely happy about. They were his responsibility. He had dragged them all into this and he wouldn't be happy if anything happened to them...Murdered...Raped...Eaten...They all seemed like legitimate possibilities in this part of the world. But he didn't exactly have a choice. Eli looked like he could shoot at any minute and the kid by his truck looked like he was ready for war. Nate wondered if he knew how to use those guns he had. Nate stared at Eli for a long moment, weighing his options and making a clicking sound with his tongue. Eventually, he raised a finger and said "Gimme a minute." He then turned around and headed back towards the car, smacking the window next to Jackson as he passed, for no apparent reason. He moved around the back of the car and grabbed both JJ and Vin by the arms, dragging them down the road a little until they were only barely illuminated by the car's tail lights. Without even asking permission, he reached into both of their pockets and pulled out their phones. Eli wanted to make sure they weren't tracked. Nate had already disabled the tracking features on the phones after their escape but if it made Eli feel more comfortable, he would give him them. "Both of you need to get your asses back in the car with Roadkill." He shout whispered at them. "Elijah's kid is going to take you to a safe house. And please, for the love of Hayek, don't do anything stupid!" He looked directly at JJ when he said that last part, knowing her tendency to run when things got even the slightest bit scary.