[@dragonmancer] Nergal gave a laugh [color=337711]“Oh I could try burning your skin with some chemicals but that’s rather ineffective.”[/color] he replied while adding to himself [color=337711]‘[i]And not to mention I have little interest in rubbing my hands all over your body’.[/i][/color] Reaching into one of the pockets on his jacket, he pulled out a small needle he had been using for some experiments, [color=337711]“No what I was thinking was more of an injection. The right dose of the correct toxins can cause all sorts of reactions inside you that can lead to increasing your core body heat. Of course, since these are deadly toxins, the wrong dosage or even too much of the right dosage isn’t going to be good for your long term health.[/color]” Nergal explained matter of factly, given the Presence would not be happy with him poisoning another team member, Nergal saw no reason to keep any information from Jackel, he did not need to be accused of deceiving him just to poison him.