[quote=@Little Italy] Ugh I can't tonight guys, I'm so sorry! But I'll be free tomorrow. I think the only time I'll be gone is 6:30-8:30pm/c. [/quote] Ah well, don't worry about it. I have an interview tomorrow morning and a family meal tonight so hopefully it won't be too late, but PM me anyway. [quote=@Graviloquence] By the way, brief update on my end: 2,500 words into my intro. Approximately halfway through my post. Once I get to halfway, however, my last two sections should be very easy for me to complete because it's mostly scenery and way less exposition. Sorry for moving at the speed of a sloth, guys. [/quote] Christ almighty, you're going awfully heavy on this hahaha. No worries, this seems to be going at an agreeable pace for everyone anyway. [quote=@Prizrak] Just thought I would let ya'll know that I changed the reference image in Lori's character sheet. Not only is it a new one but it's now in color! Oooooo the magic of color! [/quote] [img]https://cdn.meme.am/instances/500x/11518331.jpg[/img]