"There ain't a prize in this world as wonderful as you," Aleks replied with a smile of his own. The two were looking at each other like two demons plotting against humanity. They weren't far from it, if Aleks had to be honest with himself. He was as prepared as he always was, with every possible outcome lingering on in his head. No one said it was going to be easy. He didn't think it was going to be easy. Well, this [i]was[/i] indeed going to be the first time he got to see the fox in action. Possibly gather some information on what exactly she was able to do. But, no matter how successful the first phase of the plan was, the second phase ought to be far more complicated. After all, it had to look like an assault from the Tambov. That was something Aleks would be able to handle, but the fact that he would be seen at the party was a problem. No one was to leave alive. The interaction between Lilith and Aleks seemed to go on for hours, days, weeks and even months - as their eyes remained locked onto each other. At one point, Aleks was a bit unwilling to let that moment go. As if it was a blasphemy to speak. "I am," he finally retorted, "Are you?" Keeping his sentences as short as possible, not to break the atmosphere. This was serious business between two devils, yet he felt calm. Looking at her, he felt relaxed. At home. What did Lilith have that reminded him so much of her? Clearing his throat, Aleks stood up. "I wouldn't want to bother your rest. I will be picking you up at 9 PM tomorrow here at the hotel," he said, taking a short pause before continuing, "Unless you wish me to stay, I'll assume that is all and take my leave." He already turned his back to Lilith, but turned around one more time, "I'm glad you're alright." Whether that was genuine or not, it was up to Lilith to decide. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Most of the day went by uneventful, the cloudy sky not providing even a droplet of rain. It was a monochromatic day, externally that is. Aleks' mind was racing with ideas, cooking up different ways of getting out of potentially disastrous predicaments. He was not able to afford himself anything to go wrong. He was eager, yes, but wouldn't storm recklessly into his own doom. After this was done, he would have to lay low with his plans for a while. A month or so. Enough time to give both parties time to light a fire on their own. If he was to start acting on his own accord too quickly, it wouldn't spell out a good fortune for him. And if he was to mess up due to being far too eager to bring the plan to its fulfillment, Lilith would have no problem leaving him behind - he was certain of it. She had it easier than him. Able to leave whenever she so desired. Aleks was kind of envious of that, but the game was still on. No - the game had just begun. He was not going to mess up. Aleks had another meeting with Volgin today, setting himself up with another case of an alibi. He just had to make sure not to overdo it. If he was to be with Volgin every day a crime set place, he would become a suspect himself. But for now, it fit the bill. He did say he wanted to help with the investigation and Volgin did call him personally to talk about the most recent crime. The piece fit the puzzle perfectly. Volgin was quick to pick up on the missing hearts. The crime scene was far from clean. Aleks was able to get a bit on an inside information on Lilith's workings. In case she was not telling him something. So far, it seemed, she was pretty honest with him. A relief. And although her tactics may have been cruel and animalistic, she got the job done. And no one was suspecting the culprit to be a female, yet. The preparation phase went smoothly, but now came time for the main course. It was around 9PM, a brisk evening with a cold wind making its presence known every couple of minutes. The sky was much clearer now, providing for a refreshing sight, which, at the same time, brought jitters to Aleks' fingers. The night felt ominous, with the moon shining clear above him. He was standing in from of Lilith's hotel, looking at the screen of his cellphone, waiting for it to flicker with the numbers 21:00. Once again, Aleks was well dressed, the colors of his [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d5/a0/b1/d5a0b14dae354f0012dbddfe3965d4ac.jpg]outfit[/url] were a bit downgraded from his usual black style. But he was going to a party, after all, not to a completely formal dinner. As soon as the time was right, Aleks opened up the door and stepped inside, the warm interior of the hotel welcoming its newest guest. The old lady was once again in the lobby, so Aleks made sure to greet her, before approaching her. "My greetings, babyshka. Do you mind if I ask you a question?" His companion was nowhere in sight yet, and he made real sure of that before approaching the potential owner of the humble hotel. Aleks assumed Lilith was busy getting ready to look the part. He was also curious to see what she would look like. Nothing short of spectacular, he was sure. "I am sure you remember the lady I was with yesterday - I was wondering if you could me so kind to tell me when did she first check in at your hotel?" It was nothing more than small talk, Aleks had no real interest in snooping around tonight. But since he was already here, waiting for Lilith, there was nothing wrong with finding a bit more about her. If nothing else, he would keep his mind from what was about to transpire for a couple of seconds. Affording that sort of luxury was not easy on a day like this, but at least this would do.