Cynthia pretended to gag, "Please, put the hood back on your going to make me vomit." Her eyes turned to a death glare at the young boy. Jason sighed, raising a hand when immediately brought the two hoodlum's attention to him, "That's enough you too. Now you both have been somewhat of a pain to deal with lately, Cynthia you have murdered innocent civilians with out thinking and have openly pointed out you position to countless enemies, and you Dimitri, that is the 7th day in a row that you left to go after a mark with out consulting me and you have gone against orders to stay away from Kai. Now under normal circumstances, I should have you both publicly executed in front of the whole Brotherhood, but I have come up with a better plan that will not only keep you both protected, but also help you twi grow as assassins. From now on you two will be partners. You will not move or breath unless the other does as well. And if one of you breaks the Creed then you both get punished. Are we clear?" "At this point I'd rather the public execution... Is that still an option?" Cynthia asked in a half joking, half serious manner. "No," Jason said abruptly, "Now I have set up a room for the both of you. Since you two will not be allowed to anywhere without the other, I suggest you start getting to know eachother. Cause life will be much harder from now on if you can't get along." Cynthia scoffed and shot a glare at Dimitri, pointing at him firmly, "You try anything and I will end you." With that she walked past him, slamming her shoulder into his, and headed to her new living quarters.