[center][img]https://s32.postimg.org/xs25iyqqd/aaaa.png[/img][/center] [color=f7941d]Name: [/color]Garbageoff Deadleaf [color=f7941d]Race:[/color] Hooman [color=f7941d]Class:[/color] Nature's Chosen The [s]Hobo[/s] Druid [color=f7941d]Color: Orangeee[/color] [color=f7941d]Bio:[/color] Your name is Garbageoff, [s]friends[/s] call you GARBAGE, enemies call you geoff. You were SPECIAL from the moment you were born. Thrown into a DUMPSTER right after your birth, FATHER NATURE reached to you within minutes of your terrestrial out-of-vagina fleshification. HOW did he do that one might ask Garbageoff? Simply by GIVING you EVERYTHING you ever wanted in your short but FULL OF POTENTIAL shitty existence, which for DUMPSTER BABY Garbageoff was obviously JUNK, lots and lots of junk, garbage, trash and all other related words that lead to useless but useful crap. He was also a home and a name. His GLORIOUS home, the CITY OF GARBAGE-OFF, also known as the LOCAL JUNKYARD to the "CIVILIZED WORLD", where he also WISELY deduced that that will be his name for which he owned and ruled said land. You have a SUPERIOR AFFINITY to anything that is junk. Old, moldy food which you will DEVOUR with LUST only to be IMBUED with EXTREME SMELL ABILITIES, meaning you REEK like pig shit after it ate his own vomit a few times, LITERALLY. Sooo...what's that have anything to do with being a DRUID? Well let ol' middle aged Garbageoff explain, young foolish one. NATURE is a druid's most important possession in his LIFE! You don't choose to be a druid, druid chooses to be you!...Ok that doesn't make any sense, LONG STORY SHORT, you were raised by a pack of VEGETARIAN PACIFISTIC Bugbears that were already living in "your" GLORIOUS city, teaching you the WAYS of the BEASTS. For your final test in the arts of DRUIDISM, having 30 YEARS to train and harden yourself, YOU, with literally NO NOTION of TIME due to the bugbears believing that that was useless to teach you, only STARTED preparing your first EVER ANIMAL TRANSFORMATION 10 minutes before the trial, which of course you FUCKED up grandiosely, only being able to shape-shift your limbs and face, looking like a truly fabulous ABOMINATION. You can also have meaningless conversations with animals from the GARBAGE DOMAIN and SUMMON them as well, if they feel like coming. You have a long time BEST FRIEND that lives in your HAIR, Casper the bird, who btw is DEAD for a while now but for some unknown reasons doesn't rot, yet you believe his soul is still and will always be with you, hearing his chirps every time you are in nature. [hider=Moar images] Bigger, uglier, smellier! [img]https://s32.postimg.org/795tgd02t/Untitled_1.png[/img][img]http://i.giphy.com/l0HlPS9ILAKV8a6qc.gif[/img] Manbearhobo form [img]https://s31.postimg.org/vdi4rfumz/bear.png[/img] [hider=maybe to be used..maybe not] MANBEARHOBO FORM! [img]https://s32.postimg.org/4ec2oiwjp/sdfsafds.png[/img] MANBEARHOMO ATTACK ANIMATION [img]http://i.giphy.com/l41Ynzq6DHWgYIthe.gif[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [hr] [hider=MMMHH] Maybe a bit forced idk, just woke up and was a bit sleep, truth not excuse. Also is that image ok for the sprite or "too many" details for it to qualify as the basic sprite? also more detailed, close-up poses coming later. If anything else, let me know :) let me know if i'm not accepted please, use the Thank emoticon thingy, thanks :) [/hider]