Angel Springs. The name promised a backwater frontier settlement filled with dust, tumbleweeds and the withered corpses of cowboys downed in shootouts. Well, even if such a place had existed in its time, progress had since replaced it with a modern and developed small city. Rachel had been surprised when the bus kicked her off here for discovering she was a stowaway passenger. The poor girl hadn't seen places like this since Wichita. It was both a welcome and unwelcome change of pace; welcome because of new experiences and unwelcome because a city like this would surely drain her of money faster than she could say 'Shinee!". Currently, she was walking absent-mindedly through the streets of Angel Springs, clutching tight to her Converse duffel bag filled with clothes (stolen), money (also stolen, most of it anyway) and tampons (okay, she bought these). Wearing a navy blue hooded jacket despite the weather, she made sure to also conceal her face. Why the surreptitiousness? Well, Rachel wasn't a fugitive in the sense of the word, but her actions had vexed plenty of people in her run. People who would gladly stab her a million times given the chance. She wasn't about to take any risks. Abruptly. she stopped at some Chinese restaurant. The Golden Peking. It looked nice, from what she could see through the front window. Small, homely and not too crowded. Rachel wasn't sure why she stopped to window shop here; it definitely wasn't to check out the admittedly cute waitress on duty right inside. Maybe it was her Stand indirectly affecting her. Sure enough, Shinee had materialized and was gazing intently at the inside of the Golden Peking. Rachel couldn't figure out where its eyes were pointed towards (mainly because it had no eyes, just the helm and visor). It was weird how she and her Stand were supposed to be 'one and the same' yet sometimes it did things of its own accord. Oh, well. Who was she, a hobo, to question free will? Deciding not to stick around and risk looking like a beggar, Rachel willed Shinee to dematerialize and kept on walking. There surely had to be better things to do in this town. Preferably free activities like stealing.