[@Eyeruption][@SunsetRoses] Mako smirked as the naked one literally prodded at the shark, "[color=00a99d]Hmmm or better yet I could just have a snack now...[/color]" Mako reached out to any water sources nearby and at a moments notice he was ready to summon it as a super heated weapon, "[color=00a99d]Maybe you'd like to be next on the menu then? you human trash.[/color]" His eyes began to turn black as wild insanity gripped the boy, "[color=00a99d]It doesn't matter who you are or what your powers are human,[/color]" The word human came out like an insult from behind his teeth that were starting to show again, his words came out mixed with a deep unearthly growl, his eyes now black as the pits of hell, "[color=00a99d]You need to learn the ground rules. Rule one...You fuck with me and I'll kill you...I'm not the guy you want to test your stupid little attitude on.[/color]" Mako looked ready to go, but suddenly the words, "Unleash The Kraken!!!" Screamed from his pocket. Mako was shocked back into reality, his eyes snapped back to normal, he knew all these people were "[i]humans[/i]" and he was outnumbered. He pulled the phone from his pocket, the most expensive water proof phone one could steal, straight from a shipping container at the bottom of the ocean near china, who knows how it got down there. He unlocked it and saw he had a notification from his favorite app, clash of clans, he took a moment to turn his phone completely off. After that he slipped his phone back into his pocket. He then turned to the girl who had agreed with him on slaughter, "[color=00a99d]You're probably right...no point in making a scene and having to fight a group of super heroes.[/color]" A sudden worry washed over him, would they send The King after him? Mako visibly swallowed as a feeling of dread washed over him. There were many people that he could hold his own against, The King Of Atlantis was not one of them.