I might be interested in joining, considering either playing as: A heroic PMC who used to fight to save the world against some of the most powerful superhumans, but the decisions he had to make haunt him forever. A Super villain who's powers have been mostly neutralized, she had the power to spread a virus that was under her control and read the minds of people who had the infection. she claims she "Solved China's Population Problem" and is thus under trial for crimes against humanity and the verdict is almost unanimously "Guilty as hell" Luckily Scientists developed a vaccine, so she cant really use her powers as much any more. Science 1/Viral Hitler 0 If that character would most likely be executed, then perhaps I could play as a superhuman that causes all who look upon her to enter a transcendental mental state in which the ego is lost (until they leave the area) this state also boosts powers a little bit.