[quote=@Eyeruption] oh well sooooorrrryyyyyy, i'll edit it to Semiiiiiitiiiiic mister political correctness one way or another get yo damn facts right and check yo privilege "Jewish" is a word that can denote both ethnicity and belief and nationality and i'll be fucking damned if my guy and his family weren't Jewish by ethnicity and belief. I understand the concerns. It's just that for me, the ability that makes me only resistant to one thing at a time and completely nonresistant to all others kinda defeats the purpose of this power. I'd like to argue to at least get a set of slowly improving resistances against all that I encounter and adapt to rather than ability to no-sell any single thing and be vulnerable against everything else. [/quote] Your power is still OP and not suited for this roleplay. And your attitude to Mr Allen J is disappointing. Please leave my thread. [hr] [quote=@Mr Allen J] He's a member of the Power Ideology, and he's supposed to be the "destined" one that takes all the power from all the Metahumans, and go super saiyan. [/quote] Unfortunately no one metahuman takes in all the stolen power, it's stored in a machine that acts as the weapon of mass destruction. This way everyone's fighting over who has control of the machine, or who's powers are going into it. However, you can have the Blessing of potentially being the one to guard and unleash the machine. I'll have someone knock on your door.