[@Eyeruption][@Kiss Of Night] Dianna fanned herself as Loud Love called her a pretty lady. She wasn't taken by the compliment, but it was a nice thing for him to say. She didn't get much attention from men, there were always people like Queenie who tossed her into the shade. She didn't think she was ugly, but she also knew men were attracted to them because of their scant clothing, a low she would never stoop to. Wise One would be ashamed if she did so, and it was [i]his[/i] magic that powered her, so he still had a large say in everything she did. [color=89fdc5]“We may have to limit the civilian death toll to one per person, so we don't attract too much attention.”[/color] She said sweetly to the agitated young man, eyes glinting with murderous intent. [color=89fdc5]“I'll tell you about all my massacres when we get back. Maybe, if the Presence allows us, we can go on a spree together?”[/color] She giggled, before her attention was turned back to Mako. They seemed to be on the same wavelength, knowing the dangers of getting trapped by superheroes. This team could work their way out of a lot, but it was better if they were in and out without attracting too much attention. If a team of superheroes began investigating their operation, they could be shut down before the Presence was done with them. She shuffled over to Mako, crooking her elbow towards him and fluttering her eyelashes. [color=89fdc5]“Won't you escort me, Mako? We mustn’t tarry, and though I know you don't like being messed with, it would be a pleasure to walk with you.”[/color] She grinned, and Ms. Muffins II meowed by her side, tentatively moving towards Mako in an attempt to rub against his leg. [color=89fdc5]“Besides, we must catch up with our other teammate, before she gets herself into too much trouble.”[/color] Dianna said, rolling her eyes with a slight irritation. She had watched Phone Freak run off, the girl was afraid of a gunshot but she very eagerly ran towards the bank they were going to rob.