[quote=@Rawk] [img]https://xxxdesignerxxx.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/entlebucherpuppy1.jpg?w=280[/img] [s]Now Jennifer can't possible resist Vin[/s] I've decided Vincent's new power is creating endless puppies out of thin air. Just imagine the love he can spread and even give each Nate clone a companion. Insta win! [/quote] [img]http://treasure.diylol.com/uploads/post/image/328409/resized_yoda-approves-meme-generator-approve-yoda-does-0d3f39.jpg[/img] EDIT: So, gonna work on a post in a bit. Just finishing up other stuff then OFF TO DA SAFE HOUSE! Where Eric will sit in a chair with all his guns set up in his lap....