[h3]It's official fam. [@Legion02] and [@smarty0114] will be my [color=00aeef]co-gms[/color] until [@HushedWhispers] returns. I will be consulting them with future happenings at the school. Legion is my Delphina Adviser, while smarty0114 is my Mayweather Adviser. If you guys do decide to make more characters, they have full authority to accept you, or decline you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any of us. I may not be able to respond all the time, and they will be in on most of what is in my head in terms of the direction of the story. I say most because I do love surprises, don't you? <3 If things get out of hand, which I doubt they will since you are all awesome, they are allowed to address the issue. Please though, if you have problems with individuals, take it to PM. But I'm sure you all knew that already. I trust these two and their judgements, so don't hesitate if you want to discuss possible events and story plot lines with us. Lastly, I do have a good idea of the timeskip, and I will try my best to get it in by the end of this week (the goal is tomorrow, but don't hold me to that). :) Thank you for your patience. I adore you all.[/h3]