[hider=Helvetani WIP][center][h2]The Helvetani[/h2] [img]http://img03.deviantart.net/0862/i/2015/110/8/6/triskelion_by_americansfr-d8qgfd5.png[/img][/center] Faction Description: Beyond the Godsfangs, northwest of the Rainland, there lies a small domain unmolested by the Salished Empire. Here, tucked into the foothills of adjoining mountains, thrive a loose confederation of men, abhumans and beastmen. Though the tribes that fall under their banner are many, their sum is known collectively as the Helvetani. This union of people are deemed savage by more “civilized” lands, yet the Helvetani are not without culture. Their lands harbor chains of gold mines, and they mint their own coinage, and turn the metal into handsome jewelry. They trade with their neighbors, having even done so with Salished merchants that dare the journey through the Godsfangs. While they are more than the uncultured brutes popular opinion makes them out to be, the Helvetani are still a largely straightforward, bellicose people. They clash with nearby tribes often, over disputes of land, property, gold and of faith. They pride themselves on the ability to defeat one's enemies, having resisted the hordes of mutants that rove from the east for generations. Impetuous warbands sally from their palisades in search of glory and material gain, some just as likely to test themselves against fellow Helvetani as they would their traditional enemies. Of the Helvetani's humans, Salished scholars exaggerate, “They are tall and lofty, possessed of a dour visage and equaling the vigor of ten Salished men. Were a man to call his wife to his side, not a whole squadron of foreigners could withstand them.” They are fair-skinned, usually birthed with light eyes and dark hair. It is common for both men and women to tattoo or paint their bodies with tribal markings. It is said that the ancestors of the human Helvetani migrated from beyond the Broken Coast, before a nomadic lifestyle brought them to the Godsfangs. The abhumans counted among the Helvetani include the aelgs, a race of broad-shouldered men with pointed ears and brutish faces. These orcish reavers are indigenous to the mountains and make up the most warlike of the tribes. Yet, they are renowned trackers and huntsmen, knowing their territory like the face of a lover. Other abhumans include bands of ogres, and beastmen driven from more civilized lands. Provided they are able-bodied and sound of mind, the Helvetani welcome most undesired refugees that happen upon their hillforts – as servants, more often than equals. Government Type: Each individual tribe enjoys its own political independence, without a definitive ruler over all. The aelgs and ogres are known to elect and follow chieftans, but tribes with greater human populations typically decide on matters through a semi-democratic conference of nobles. This is just as well, for perhaps the Helvetani are more beholden to the words of the Mountain Wisdoms than any secular king. Man, aelg and ogre alike all look to the trio of Red Gods that dwell in the Godsfangs for guidance. The Wisdoms do not commune with their faithful directly, but through the Pale Witches. This order consists of three women, who reside in a sacred cavern within the Godsfangs. These witches can be said to be at the tip of the Helvetani hierarchy, both revered and feared by all. By their word, the tribes set aside all rivalries and worldly concerns, and carry out their will. Faction Specie(s): Human, aelgs, ogres, beastmen & misc. abhumans Species Descriptions: Location: [img]http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae218/AbsolutCharlie/Broken%20World/BrokenWorld_Territory_zpskmrkv4cb.jpg~original[/img] Faction Religion/Ideology: The tribes of the Helvetani revere the Mountain Wisdoms through three Pale Witches, called so because they dwell in an ancient cavern called the Pale. They are respected by all of the Helvetani, feared, even, as they are powerful wielders of magic. It is believed that they interpret the will of the Mountain Wisdoms, and then pass along this knowledge to the Helvetani. The unfiltered voices of the Wisdoms are said to be too great for mortals to hear without sundering their bodies. The Pale Witches appear as three young women, clad only in cloaks of fur, gold and totems of animal bone. Their eyes and lips are daubed black, and they bear tattoos on their arms. It is unknown for how long they have lived in the Pale, and how, for they rarely appear to the tribes of their own volition. The word of the Pale Witches has been passed down for centuries, yet they can always be found in the Pale when visited by men for their guidance. Some suspect that new witches are chosen by the Wisdoms as they pass on, other swear that the witches themselves are immortal. They are often indirect and cryptic, preferring to reveal their wisdom in visions. Should a need arise that demands all of Helvetani heed their call, their voices roll like thunder from the heavens, and the tribes obey without hesitation. Faction History: Important Characters: Important Holdings/Territory/Possessions: Relation to other Factions:[/hider]