[@Lady Hestia][@Son of Pele][@Volenvradica] [hider=Nicky Wang][center][hr][hr][h1][color=7bcdc8]Nicky Wang[/color][/h1] [IMG]http://pa1.narvii.com/5833/b641a95f9f52cf3baa5719f03a327b1843a60bb2_hq.gif[/IMG] [b]{[/b]"[i]Don't stop, just keep moving forward[/i]"[b]}[/b] -[b]unknown[/b][hr][hr] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/6e7ea2b1a6145daddeee1dfce1d2fa67/tumblr_inline_ns86on0Kva1tz2ysf_500.gif[/img] [color=7bcdc8][h3][i][b]Basics[/b][/i][/h3] [i][b]Name[/b][/i] Nicholas Joshua Wang alias as a girl Nicole Jane Wang [i][b]Nickname[/b][/i] Nicky, Key [b][i]Date of Birth[/i][/b] February 12, 1999 [i][b]Age[/b][/i] 17 [i][b]Gender[/b][/i] Male [i][b]Sexuality[/b][/i] Bisexual [i][b]Place of Origin[/b][/i] Los Angeles [b][i]Occupation[/i][/b] Part-timer at a music store [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/da1b6b89f2107d850c63d52995ae8bf0/tumblr_nqs5sykTpx1tr4f4oo3_400.gif[/img] [h3][i][b]Body[/b][/i][/h3] [b][i]Personality[/i][/b] Nicky is cheerful and kind individual but this is overshadowed by his love of flirting and almost seemingly lacking all sense of shame , being able strip into his underwear in a room filled with people but this is because of his problem with clothes. He says if he wears clothes for too long he tends to 'overheat' and become cranky . He is very stubborn and once he sets his mind on something he is going to stick to until he is forced to stop . He can seem vain because of his want to always look good and his seemingly endless confidence but his confidence is merely a façade used to hide his flaws. Nicky absolutely loves dancing and singing , he would dance anywhere and everywhere with or without music. He hates not being able to dance , his way of releasing stress that is product of constant war to not attack his parents and not start a war in his house. Nicky doesn't not get angry easily but his constant use of sarcasm sometimes makes it seems like he is angry. In his words ' Am I supposed to hold back this witty and sassy comment because you are way too emotional or sensitive.' When he does finally lose his temper he will want to break the person who had angered him's bones , he doesn't care if he hurts someone badly as long as they don't die or have a life threatening injury. In short don't piss him off or else you'll get yourself pushed down the stairs. This is one of the main reasons he was transferred. [b][i]History[/i][/b] Nicky was born to a rich couple on February 12th in Los Angeles, California. To anyone outside they would think they were the prefect family , a wealthy tall handsome man , his equally wealthy and stunning wife and their beautiful baby boy. But life wasn't as great as it seemed , his father was always busy with work which deprived him of his father , his mother was manipulative and cruel , only getting pregnant to please her idiot of a husband even though she hated children and the thought of being even being remotely fat disgusted her. She hated Nicky , seeing how his father fawned over him and seemingly pushed her aside. The woman's jealousy only grew as Nicky got older and his beauty started showing it self. It made her seethe seeing how everyone who meet the boy fawned over him. She all but stopped taking care of the boy, leaving the maids to take care of him , his mother only taking the role of a mother when her husband was around. His father didn't even notice so blinded by love for his wife and his want for a prefect family to see what she was. In school he was bullied , his intelligence and beauty caused ire among his female class mates and the boys made fun of him. This made the boy introverted and almost scared of the world. Bora always studied as hard as possible until the day he was passing by a street performance on his way home from private school. He fell in love at the sight and knew that is what he wanted to do. He begged and begged his witch of a mother to allow him to join a dance studio which the woman let him join , seeing it as a chance to keep the boy out of the house for longer. When he joined his meet his first friend , Jeanne , a girl with as big a passion for dance as him. They bonded instantly , becoming extremely close in a matter of weeks. His grades lowered but his confidence slowly started returning to him. As his grades dropped lower and lower Nicky was sent to the boy's school and pulled out of Dance which made him angry and caused animosity to make its way into his already somewhat hostile home. [b][i]Appearance[/i][/b] Nicky is a truly beautiful person. He has pale white skin that has a healthy glow to it , bright hazel brown eyes , pale pink lips , a button nose and high cheek bones. He has a slender build but still has some muscle. He is off average height and has slender and strong legs. His hair , which varies in color because he loves hair dye , is currently blonde and reach past his shoulders. Nicky tends to favor wearing extremely tight skinny jeans and tight shirts with a jacket tied around his waist. He has a necklace that he always keeps under his shirt which helps him calm down. [img]http://pa1.narvii.com/5852/86fcfbeec2af1c87a77e8941aa34560699383b09_hq.gif[/img] [h3][i][b]Extras[/b][/i][/h3] Reputation in Demon's Highschool M [b][i]Habits[/i][/b] [i][b]Hobbies[/b][/i] [b][i]Likes[/i][/b]