[center][url=https://youtu.be/i4JqrccUSYQ]Where the Shroud shields the Eye.[/url][/center] Protruding off the upper lip of Herr von Goethe, nearly concealing his entire mouth, a waxed pepper-grey moustache remained immovable with every word uttered. Like any fat cat, the monocle came in tow, finding an easy perch between his fleshy cheek and sagging brows. When his lips brushed against hers, she cringed in disgust, forcing every fiber in her body to remain stationary. Fraulein von Goethe on the other hand, an exquisitely dressed woman in a stunning, satin-red dress, a minx draped gingerly over her shoulder, just like Eris had said. She suppressed a wave of surprise as Shay conjured up a fitting occupation, an investor for British archaelogical expeditions to Egypt and Persia, while she displaced the feeling of wishing him to choose something [i]less[/i] attention-grabbing, it would suit their needs for the time being, after all this job should last no more than a few days time. Secured with a net of diamonds and pearls arranged in a fashionable lotus, the Fraulein's hair perfectly emitted the sense of higher-class nobility, with each finger-curl wave held firmly in place without any hint of a bobby pin, something Vera envied to a certain degree. Conway O'Doyle, right, best not forget the name, and she, Abigale, his fiancee. Cradling the long-necked champagne glass, she tried to concentrate on her outward, emotional appearance, one that hopefully exuded a sense of worth. "How quaint," the Fraulein began, bringing the ivory holder away from her lips, and blew out a gentle curl of smoke from the side of her mouth, "I find the Egyptians to be a rather... [i]primal[/i] people. Who would think that placing key organs into jars would grant them passage into "their" afterlife. Now, tell me, Abigale, yes?" Even though the Fraulein was older in age compared to Vera, this did not stop her from delving into the fashionable make-up styles of the day; smoky eyes, and a dark wine-red cupid's bow lingered on her, the corners of her mouth on one side twitched upwards, was she trying to conceal a smirk? "Yes, that's right." Vera replied. "What is it you do?" "I paint, and write poetry. My father says I waste his time, and his money for my artistic pursuits, but I share a deep interest in many painters, even more so when it comes to poetry. We have a lavish study where Conway promised me the room for my hobbies." "And you said that you two were engaged, correct?" Fraulein asked, instead of her mouth, a twitch in her brow warranted a suspicious gleam in her eyes, or at least one that was coy. "That's right." "If you will beg my pardon, where is your engagement ring? I'm certain that a woman such as yourself would not want to leave it behind in any circumstance." "Ah yes, no need to worry over such a petty matter. We had it sent back to the jeweler, one of the diamonds fell out, I rather miss it myself." Vera countered, slipping her arm around Shay's, so as to link them at the elbow, and perhaps even to seek a degree of encouragement. Suddenly, the Herr laughed aloud, and placed a tentative hand upon his wife's shoulder. "You must forgive me, my wife can be a bit inquisitive, more than she means to be at times. Her curious nature is what drew me to her in the first place. I hope you can understand," Here he turned his attention to Shay. "I dare say, I am curious to know more over your expeditions. Clara and I managed to acquire several pieces of Egyptian works. My personal favorite is a peculiar piece, a canopic jar depicting Duamutef. I would love to acquire the other three jars for a complete collection, perhaps you could help me in that endeavour." "Where is it you purchased your new home?" Clara interjected. "Clara-" "Oh Albert please." His wife turned to face him, batting her long, dark lashes at him as her lips puckered into a pertinent frown. He could only sigh, and nodded, offering Shay and Vera both a sympathetic look. "In Liverpool, that's where my Aunt lives, such a pleasant woman she is. we enjoy frequenting London however, the city offers more exotic entertainment that we find exciting." While Clara's questions would have irked, or forced other women to feel anxious, Vera rose to meet each question with a desire to prove herself. "Now then, you said you have an inkling for Monet, is that right?" Albert piped up, eager to quiet his wife's overeager attitude. "I have an impressive art collection, Clara says I spend my money frivolously on such luxuries, but it is a collection that I am proud of. I would be more than happy to invite you both over for a luncheon sometime this week, perhaps this is a piece art that you will find tasteful to hang in your new abode. And perhaps I can have you authenticate that jar as well? One must be careful of fraudulent sellers on the market nowadays, what a downright shame it is."