Meesei remained where she was as Fendros returned back to camp, content with relaxing for a while longer. There was nothing more she needed to do for the day, as she already had her plan of what to do the next day. She would go to sleep a bit earlier that night, so that she could wake just before the sun began to rise. Fendros' training for the next day would begin with a lesson in using his lycan form effectively. It was about time they replenished some of their food reserves, so it would be an excellent opportunity to go for a hunt with Fendros. It would allow her to go over basic motor control and how to effectively use his senses to track prey, as well as offering a useful lesson in how to properly skin an animal once they were done. After swimming for a while, Meesei returned to camp and conversed with a few of the others to pass the time until nightfall. She went over with each of them how they intended to to help Fendros over the weeks to come. Other than hunting and training, Meesei had no other plans for the next couple of weeks, as she had been given no further instructions by Hircine. As such, their plans were simply to survive and strengthen themselves for such a time as their lord needed their services. Eventually, it grew late enough for Meesei to retire for the night. Gathering up a few furs to keep her warm during the moderately cool Cyrodilic night, she laid herself down as close to the fire as was safe and drifted off to sleep. --- As per usual, Meesei's sleep was not particularly restful. For lycans, nightmares were commonplace and they had to sleep longer in order to achieve the same restful effect as normal mortals. It was a disadvantage to the beast blood, but it was one that she had become accustomed to over time. There was a faint glow in the sky to the east, but the sun had yet to crest the mountains to completely illuminate the area, not that it mattered with the strength of a lycan's night vision. Meesei packed away the furs she had used for blankets, then walked over to where Fendros was sleeping and knelt down beside him. "Wake up, it is time to get to work." Meesei said, grabbing his shoulder and shaking his body. After a quick breakfast, she intended to delve straight into training.