[hider=Dani][center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/fringe/images/0/01/936full-karley-scott-collins.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20131113141627[/img][/center] [center][h1][color=hotpink]Danielle (Dani) Nicole Carson[/color][/h1] [i]"Could you please stop thinking so loudly?"[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=hotpink][b][u]Codename:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Psych[/indent] [color=hotpink][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]16[/indent] [color=hotpink][b][u]Gender:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=hotpink][b]Sexuality:[/b][/color] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [color=hotpink][b][u]Relationship Status:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Single[/indent] [color=hotpink][b][u]Species:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Mutant[/indent] [color=hotpink][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]The product of an unwanted pregnancy, Dani was abandoned by her birth parents almost immediately after she was born. Fortunately for her, she was only in the system for around a year before she was adopted by a young couple. By the time she was around three years old, however, her powers had developed. Really, the instances of her power were relatively innocent; a response to an unspoken question here or a inaudible request there. But her parents couldn’t handle the idea of raising a mutant child, and so they sent her back to the group home. Of course, things were different the second time through the group home. The adults in charge were uneasy with how much Dani seemed to understand and the way that she would respond to the things they had only thought, so they avoided her whenever possible. And the kids weren’t any better, growing to dislike her because of how she seemed to win every game that they played, whether it be Battleship or Hide-n-seek and how she seemed like a know-it-all. Inevitably, this lead to a fairly continuous series of bullying incidents that the adults in charge refused to address. Occasionally, she would be plucked from the toxic environment of the group home by a new couple who wanted to make a difference in the world, only to be returned to the home once she slipped up and revealed her powers to her new parents. Eventually, however, she became too old to be considered adoptable, spending longer and longer periods of time at the group home while the other kids came and went. This constant rejection, in addition to the bullying she experienced, ultimately lead her to becoming more and more reserved, though she had always been a bit of a quiet child. By the time that Dani entered high school, the bullying had mostly subsided, but Dani didn’t want to take any chances. With a bit of careful maneuvering, she managed to secure a position as the school’s undisputed master of rumors and secrets. While her status as a loner still entitled her to a certain amount of disdain by the portion of the school that desired to be as popular as the A-listers, as her uncanny ability to uncover their secrets meant that people were hesitant to interact with her. Things persisted in much the same way for another year or two until Professor Latour showed up at the front door of the home, explaining that he wanted to offer an invitation for Dani to attend his school. Ecstatic to be rid of her, the head of the group home immediately signed the paperwork that would make the Professor and his school her legal guardians. Dani herself was rather skeptical (and still is, honestly), but accepted the Professor’s offer regardless. It couldn’t be that much worse than her current situation after all.[/indent] [color=hotpink][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Due largely to the intermittent periods of malnourishment that Dani has experienced in her life, she is quite petite, standing at a height of roughly 5’ and weighing approximately 71 pounds. Additionally, her slender frame lacks any visible curves or muscular definition, which only serves to emphasize her waifish appearance further. Dani possesses a round face with a small button nose, round shimmery silver eyes, thin lips, and small round ears that are usually hidden by her shoulder-length golden blonde hair. While she usually just wears her hair down because it’s easier that way, it isn’t unheard of for her to put it up in some way or wear some sort of accessory given a special occasion or even just the insistence of a friend. When it comes to her attire, Dani tends to prioritize comfort over style, especially given the fact that she doesn’t really own a lot of clothing. As such, she usually chooses to wear soft, baggy t-shirts, loose blue jeans, and a pair of well-worn sneakers. On the rare occasion that she’s too warm, she’ll opt for cargo shorts instead of jeans, but that’s about it. [/indent] [color=hotpink][b][u]Powers:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][b]Telepathy[/b] In short, Dani possesses the ability to read/affect the minds of others and to communicate with them mentally. Given her current level of control over her ability, this means that she can pick up any thoughts that an unshielded person is thinking (“surface” thoughts) immediately and that she can pick up most “submerged” thoughts with a little bit of digging around. Similarly, the emotions of an individual are also fairly easy for her to pick up on. Of course, she can also send out her own thoughts and emotions to communicate with those around her privately. These powers also grant her a good deal of resistance to the psychic powers of others. Unfortunately, reading the thoughts and emotions of those around her isn’t something that she can turn off at will. As such, being in large crowds for extended periods of time is agonizing for her as the constant chattering inevitably leaves her with a crippling headache that can persist for several days. It also makes it rather difficult for her to get any real sleep, as the dreams and half-conscious thoughts of the people around her filter in and either bring her back to consciousness or just flat out keep her from falling asleep in the first place. It’s also worth noting that if she’s not careful, the emotions she reads from those around her can also influence her own mood. Because her control over her ability leaves a fair amount to be desired, it’s also quite possible for her to accidentally influence the emotions of the people around her, resulting in an odd sort of feedback loop until something manages to break the cycle. On the other hand, however, involuntarily reading the thoughts of others all the time means that Dani essentially has omnilingualism, as she receives the translation of what someone’s saying in a different language at the same time that they’re speaking. Because her powers also apply to animals, she’s also able to communicate with animals as effectively as she could another person if not moreso. While there’s really nothing that non-telepaths can do about transmitting their surface thoughts to her, people with mental shields are obviously more resistant to any attempts she may make to dig around. Any person can also make a sort of pseudo-shield by concentrating on something irrelevant. Given enough time, she could wriggle her way through these kinds of blocks, but it takes her significantly longer than it normally would. Her ability to read the thoughts of others, as well as transmit her own, is limited by range as well. As such, the thoughts and emotions of others became gradually weaker in intensity as they approach the boundary of her abilities. Given her current power level, the maximum range at which she can send or receive thoughts is about two miles.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lh9wgzYYwA1qbgibl.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [color=hotpink][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/color] [indent]Dani is a fairly reserved individual that largely prefers to keep to herself, a tendency that is due both to the fact that she’s never really had any friends and the headaches that inevitably accompany hanging out with others. Given her lack of experience with social situations and her quiet demeanor, this means that she has an unfortunate tendency to come across as a cold, or even rude, individual. To be fair, she’s often okay with this little side-effect, as it makes it easier for her to maintain a comfortable distance from others. Additionally, Dani has a bad habit of bottling up her emotions and simply ignoring them. In short, she refuses to complain about anything that’s bothering her, whether it be a problem she’s facing or a minor annoyance. While this doesn’t seem to inhibit her ability to deal with the obstacles and problems she encounters in her daily life, it’s certainly not a healthy way to deal with her emotions. It’s also a fairly temporary measure, as the emotions she stubbornly refuses to acknowledge will eventually bubble up, resulting in a sort of emotional breakdown. Due to having everyone who's ever really been involved in her life leave her eventually, she can be quite cynical when it comes to relationships. This, in addition to her hard, cold exterior can make it rather hard for people to get close to her in any meaningful way, though she never seems to mind. If one could manage to somehow get fairly close to her, they would probably find her to be pretty much the same, apart from the appearance of a surprising level of empathy that has developed over years of exposure to the thoughts and emotions of those around her. This empathy, which is usually hidden under her cold exterior, would inevitably her a great listener and shoulder to cry on when needed.[/indent] [color=hotpink][b][u]Likes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list] [*]Quiet [*]Hot Beverages [*]Stuffed Animals [*]Painting/drawing [*]Gymnastics [*]Advil [/list][/indent] [color=hotpink][b][u]Dislikes:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][list] [*]Large crowds [*]Heights [*]Ketchup [*]Needles [*]Having to dress up [/list][/indent] [hr][hr] [center][img]https://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_meg3nhrCbC1rjrfw0o1_500.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjwV5w0IrcA] Cold As Ice - Foreigner[/url] [i][sub]"You're as cold as ice You're willing to sacrifice our love You never take advice Someday you'll pay the price, I know I've seen it before It happens all the time You're closing the door You leave the world behind You're digging for gold Yet throwing away A fortune in feelings But someday you'll pay You're as cold as ice You're willing to sacrifice our love You want Paradise But someday you'll pay the price I know I've seen it before It happens all the time You're closing the door You leave the world behind You're digging for gold Yet throwing away A fortune in feelings But someday you'll pay Cold as ice, you know that you are Cold, (cold) as, (as) ice, As cold as ice to me (Cold, cold cold) (as, as, as) (ice) (Ooh, ooh, ooh, cold as, cold as ice) (You're as cold as icccce) You're as cold as ice (Cold as icccce), Cold as ice I know (You're as cold as icccce) You're as cold as ice (Cold as iccce) Cold as ice I know (You're as cold as icccce) Oh yes I know (Cold as icccce) (You're as cold as icccce) You're as cold as ice (Cold as icccce) Cold as ice I know (You're as cold as icccce) Oh, yes I know (Cold as icccce)"[/sub][/i] [color=hotpink][b][u]Extra[/u][/b][/color] [indent][/indent][/hider] [hider=Relationships][center][h1][color=hotpink]Danielle (Dani) Nicole Carson[/color][/h1] [img]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMTM5NDEyMTA2Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwOTQ2Nzk4Ng@@._V1._SX426_SY640_.jpg[/img] [color=hotpink]{[/color][i]"Friends are just people you like who haven’t left yet."[/i][color=hotpink]}[/color] [color=fff200]♦ Respects [/color]~*~ [color=0054a6]≈ Neutral[/color] ~*~ [color=8dc73f]♣ Friends[/color] ~*~ [color=00a651]♫ Best Friends[/color]~*~[color=f26522] § Tense[/color] ~*~ [color=ec008c]♥ Crush[/color] ~*~ [color=92278f]♠ Significant Other [/color]~*~ [color=ed1c24]∅ Enemies[/color] [hr][hr][/center] ♦ [color=fff200][b]Professor Francis Latour[/b][/color] ♦ [i]"He seems sincere, but I doubt it will last."[/i] Considering that he’s the one that got her out of the group home, Dani respects him more than most, but she’s not willing to really trust him yet. [hr] ≈[color=0054a6][b]Sophie Blackthorn[/b][/color]≈ [i]"I don’t know her."[/i] Dani doesn’t know Sophie. [hr] ≈[color=0054a6][b]Taylor Jason Garrick[/b][/color]≈ [i]"Who’s that?"[/i] Dani doesn’t know Taylor. [hr] v[color=0054a6][b]Raylan Elisha Wilcox[/b][/color]≈ [i]"Beats me."[/i] Dani has never met Raylan. [hr] ≈[color=0054a6][b]Loki Cage[/b][/color]≈ [i]"You’d have to point him out to me."[/i] Dani has never met Loki. [hr] ≈[color=0054a6][b]Grace Potter[/b][/color]≈ [i]"I haven’t got a clue who you’re talking about."[/i] Dani doesn’t know Grace. [hr] ≈[color=0054a6][b]Aaliyah Cruze[/b][/color]≈ [i]"Don’t know her, but her name sounds pretty I guess."[/i] Dani doesn’t know who Aaliyah is. [hr] ≈[color=0054a6][b]Katherine Winchester[/b][/color]≈ [i]"I don’t know."[/i] Dani has never met Katherine. [hr] ≈[color=0054a6][b]Bao Lu[/b][/color]≈ [i]"I dunno."[/i] Dani has never interacted with Bao. [hr] ≈[color=0054a6][b]Casey Wilkon Locke[/b][/color]≈ [i]"Never met them."[/i] Dani has never met Casey. [hr][/hider]