[@PKMNB0Y] Been a while since I've written an app, sooooo yeah. Sorry if a few things are lackluster and apologies for taking so long to finish one part of my app xD [center][hider=Gamie Jaeger][img]http://static.hentai.mangadrawing.net/users/imagecache/display/image/34482-diablo-3-demon-hunter.b607968ff011c51dfcea013ffc3e4916.jpg[/img] ((I need to figure out who to give credit for making this pic >>)) [h3][color=662d91]"... do us both ah fava'... take this slab of meat and jes' shove it down yer' throat..."[/color][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Gamie Jaeger [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Race:[/b] Human... for the most part. [b]Appearance:[/b] Gamie stands at a height of five feet and eleven inches, and is much more lithe and physically inclined than one is to think with his peculiar frame... then again, the clothing he wears doesn't exactly help either. Most of his noticeable features are obscured, save for his face which comes off as nothing outstanding. A small nose, frowning lips, charcoal eyes, jet black hair, and a few lingering freckles are the only thing interesting to note of, but other than that, no notable characteristics. Physically, he isn't bulky to say the least, but neither does he lack any muscle mass. He keeps it hidden under his clothes, though he won't be winning any arm wrestling matches with people focusing on pure undulated strength. Sleek and lithe, he is a relatively tanned individual. Under his armor, he harbors no scars, but a few dark moles on his body; they are primarily found on his shoulders. His clothing is dark and most of it seems metallic in nature; almost out of place for a hunter. Most of these come from the scales of creatures he has gathered over the years; it's the default armor of a Xedous soldier or mercenary as the armor covers up most of his torso, from breastplate to the sabatons themselves. Most of this looks to be ebony in hue, but when looked at the proper angle, it appears to be more of a darker blue hue. Gamie also has a sabled cloak on, forgoing a visor in favor of better accuracy and a blanket. [b]Personality:[/b] Apathy is one way to describe this man... or could Gamie just have a heart of stone? Whatever it is, he doesn't truly seem to heed wrath as a scary thing and trudges on fearlessly, despite impending danger. Getting in the way when he is working or hunting is one surefire way to imminently irritate him to no end... though, it gets worse when he is stalking his prey. He won't hesitate to say what's on his mind from time to time, though he can be incredibly somber about it... despite the one-liner possibly sounding like an innuendo. Serious and relentless, he does well to keep a professional looking front, though who knows whether he is unconsciously unaware of his speech patterns or if he is talking that way on purpose. Gamie also has a habit of giving nicknames to people he is unfamiliar with and will usually stick with it when operating. The only time he might not mind it being a bit noisy is if it is with another hunter who absolutely understands what they are doing or if it is around others, though it should be kept to a minimum. If others would ask him to teach them how to hunt, he would downright respond with a no. While it may come off as condescending and abrasive, it's more on the topic of self confidence. Gamie doesn't see himself as a formidable teacher in the art of stealth and trap making. When not on the job he seems less apathetic to an extent, but will be less malign than usual. While he still retains most of his previous traits, he will attempt to make small talk with the others from time to time, though he would rather stay secluded with one or two allies versus in a group as he would be visibly uncomfortable when in clusters of people. Of course, during this time he becomes a bit more... flirtatious to say the least. Like his previous traits, he will be like a predator to his prey in an affable sort of way, often approaching anyone just to hit on them. Whether or not this is a part of his pattern of speech, he will still enjoy said interaction. Gamie has a very... healthy interest in writing and divulging into literature, whether foreign or native, fiction, poetry, he will love it... most of the time. Other than his own interest within his interactions, this is one of the few ways to get him to drop speaking in innuendos and will display a tinge of excitement in his own voice. As much as he loves them, he silently will lament over the loss of any said literature, especially if it is volumes upon volumes... he can understand a critic, but just don't destroy any books in front of him... seriously. [b]Abilities:[/b] When it comes to physical pursuits, he is strong, but won't hold out in full frontal confrontation... or will he? Hand to hand is a no go, but when with a crossbow, he will use his superior speed, stamina, and reflexes to outlast and tire any opponents. This comes from his daily routine of hunting creatures or cretins alike in which he has had to adapt and learn how to approach them. His affinity is majorly with bows and crossbows, though he prefers and performs better when wielding a crossbow. As a hunter, he has many of the necessities to survive as one, one of which in his words "being completely and absolutely silent." When it comes to stealth, he understands how to avoid detection and avert being caught within the sight of prey. Patience is the key for him and he won't just hurriedly try to finish it off, rather, he will quietly wait to precisely strike. Of course, when stalking prey, he is usually stayed at a distance, far away where they won't exactly get to him (unless they have some form of ranged weaponry). Due to this, he has trained his eyes over time to discern certain figures over a distance. This allows him to notice things either up close or when farther away from said game. Gamie is also efficient at trapping, though, don't expect him to quickly dig up any pitfalls. When in need to capture some food or snare, he makes do with what the environment gives him; just some twigs, and other unmentionables needed and a small cage for some rabbit stew. (Note: Going to research some traps since I'm a little ignorant on this part; apologies for the lack of description). Learning all of these skills, sometimes following your prey just to get a good shot at them can take days to weeks. Of course he is going to know some of the basics of camping, such as pitching a makeshift tent or using flint and tinder to start a fire. He won't bother to waste any other necessities to make a fire if it can be used for later projects. [b]Salvaged Item:[/b] His treasured, waterlogged crossbow. [b]History:[/b] Of course, the way... mostly everyones story starts is that they were birthed a wee babe in a relatively safe environment... if only that could be the same for him. Gamie was born not long after a Salamander hunt when his parents were traveling back to the capital with their group. The child was safety birthed in the wilderness with little to no complications. Due to the group beings ways away from the capital with the mother unable to move, they sent the swiftest out to gather supplies whilst waiting for Gamie's mother to recover all of her strength. Eventually, they did arrive back at the seat of power and diverged from the circle of allies as the couple deemed that it was the best choice if they wanted to raise him with a healthy mind and body. Both parties came to a mutual understanding and sadly said their goodbyes and departed. Gamie's father and mother were able to procure a job from the Dwarven innkeeper who gladly accepted them both amongst the ranks. While he grew up strong, the boy was often curious about nature and often had some "adventurous" encounters before going back to the inn. From the way he reacted, they both felt that the path he would take was much similar to theirs. Giving him a small push, at a young age, his beautiful mother gave the boy some lessons in archery before instructing him in use of her favorite weapon - the crossbow. Gamie picked up the tricks of the trade at a swift pace and was taught by both of the parents when alternating between working twice the effort to make up for their absence to rekindling an old flame through teaching Gamie their personal trade of hunting. Of course, when the time of age came, his parents began to set up their child with tests to decide his aptitude and if he could truly stand on his own two legs. He succeeded and eventually set out, unknown and unexpecting of the world; a Fool. Gamie soon came to learn myriads of lessons during his time working in solitude, along with the occasional group of mercenaries, garnering new abilities and further modifying his older strengths. The pay was moderate, but what he got out of this was better than anything he could of wagered. Eventually he was one of the more well known hunters around town who would keep the population of Salamanders in check. Gamie did also indulge in hunting other types of prey that proved to be more cunning, but stayed within the limits of the law. Eventually, news came from the kingdoms representative after the last congregation of the nations, there was an announcement for the people of Xedous of the impending voyage and that the Council would be choosing five of the nations finest to come and represent them. There was a mixture of the ragtag mercenary, seldom a professional soldier or two, a couple of nobles who were enamored by the prospect and romanticized about the trip, and others too. Gamie was one of the present applicants and was one of the five chosen to set out on the Journey. No hesitation was present, but he made sure to plan ahead for this type of expedition, exerting more pressure into his work, he took on some of the more egregious missions to steel himself. Shedding the leather he once used, Gamie took the time to replace it with new shining armor made from the scales of the Salamanders. While it would serve as a great reminder of his homeland, it would also probably help if anyone decided to get a little too personal with him. After a year past, he found himself traversing to the new world with others in tow. And that's where it all went to Hell. [b]Nation of Origin:[/b] Xedous [hider=Xedous][b]Nation Lore:[/b] Xedous is on a rather large island situated not too far away from the main continent; it was the site of a now inactive volcano. From what is known about this place, of the descendants came from those who were ostracized for their beliefs, runaway criminals, etc. It didn't matter who they were as said nation fell under the flag of Humans, Dwarves, Ogres, Elves, and Orks surprisingly. While their history started out in small squabbles after settling away from each other, they turned to heed the threats of the Salamanders who outnumbered them. Most took to fleeing, while others stayed. Eventually, under the leadership of Xedous the Orc and his new friend, Alexander the Human, they took to pushing such a scourge back. During the fighting, Xedous was slayed in battle by a mighty, ferocious Salamander, but not before destroying it himself. Mourning over the loss of one of his friends, Alexander kept control of his fury and continued to lead the campaign. Eventually, they won the war and proclaimed the Kingdom to be named Xedous. Slowly, but surely, the five races built on their unity and created a capital under their flag. Understanding that he would not live forever, Alexander devised a plan to solidify the realm. Devising a council of his most trusted advisors from each race, he explained his idea for governing this place. Over time, they expanded beyond their boundaries, building myriads upon myriads of walls, creating new districts to settle in. Of course, the more daring took flight and eventually created towns that were in dire need of defending from the occasional Salamander invasion. Another place they managed to claim was at the now inactive Volcano where most Orcs and Dwarves made their home. Once they felt assured, the next step was to create a proper military instead of the large militia filled to the brim with untrained soldiers. Following the same idea Alexander conceived, the Counsel had five leaders for different departments of the military. They each held different specialties and to top it off, they came off as one of the more determined soldiers who fought more with guile than they did muscle. Finally, what the isle was most known for was its population of Salamander's. While they are dangerous, there are capable hunters of bringing these beasts down quickly and efficiently; they've even devised proper times when to cull the beasts to keep them under control. Along with that, their meat/fat is one of the better things to use, as it catches fire quite easily and it lasts longer than one of firewood. Suffice to say, it is still delicious. And to top it off, they have hard scales on their back that keep any assailant from assaulting them there, in case of a quick kill. Eventually, these scales replaced steel as the primary source of armor for the military, though you can see a few guards who still adorn steel. This was due to it being lighter and a little more durable than usual steel. While the races have held peace, there is still some uneasiness and mild tension between them all to this very day, they are known for welcoming others into their nation, especially those who aren't of the original five races who came to colonize this place. [/hider] [b]Other:[/b] -Can be a very heavy drinker to boot, often taking longer than the others to get tipsy. -Respects the strengths and fortitude of others (mainly physical). -He tries not to use bows as much as others as he finds them to be somewhat... awkward to wield. -Why he enjoys hunting stems from usually the thrill of the hunt and the danger it presents; often takes up dangerous jobs to amend for this. -Finds some difficulty when fighting in close quarters; he finds it difficult to aim a crossbow at the opponents skull when they causing such "disruptions." -Writes in a journal as a recollection of his prior adventures and turn of events; he hopes to write it into a book (not happening at this point).[/hider][/center]