[center][color=cyan][h1]Christine Ramirez[/h1][/color] [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/r9G0vbFLMKbmg/giphy.gif[/img][/center] It had all been one big blur to her one moment Christine was waking up in her cell with her cellmate who she didn't even know her name yet, she had been led out of her cell with the other inmates all around her age and remembered lights going out and making a run towards a ship in the port. Then strapping herself into a pod and eventually falling asleep sometime after take off, she had no idea what was actually going on she simply just followed J's instructions. Then she woke up sometime later with a loud groan as she could hear alarms going off, and she looked around at her fellow inmates as they all either panicked or tried to stay calm through everything. Then Christine had felt the ship suddenly and violently shake which had caused her to panic even more she started banging on the glass of her pod to try and get out until finally there was a very violent crash and the pods eventually opened. Still very confused and disoriented Christine slowly followed behind Rae and Cody out of the cargohold that they were put into. Christine winced as she felt the natural sunlight making her eyes water slightly, after going up in Port Hope all your life with artificial lightning all the time Christine wasn't even used to it or even the air which was also natural. [color=cyan]"Where are we?"[/color] Christine asked but to no one in particular as she looked around until she looked over towards Abraham and raised an eyebrow towards him, he was just as clueless as they all were it seemed. [color=cyan]"We were instructed by a person named J to get on.."[/color[ Christine said as she knelt down running her hands through the natural soil before standing back up. [color=cyan]"What is going on?"[/color]