[hider=Noelle Webster][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3f/96/2a/3f962a60ad0bfb1172f943395d7f4694.jpg[/img] [i]Noelle is not exactly what you would call a large person. She stands four feet, eight inches tall (though she swears she’s still growing!) and weighs a mere 85 pounds. That said, she carries herself with all the grace and dignity of a person much bigger than her – it’s hard to look down on her. She takes great care of her appearance, as in she won’t leave the house until her eye makeup is perfect and her chestnut curls are glossy and smooth. Her wardrobe consists primarily of stylish dresses in pastel colors and collared shirts paired with skirts. On her person as often-- if not more often-- than her backpack is her clarinet case.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Lauren Noelle “Ellie” Webster (Her friends call her Ellie, but she introduces herself as Noelle. And teachers call her Lauren.) [b]Age:[/b] Almost 14. [b]Instruments:[/b] B-flat clarinet, doubles on E-flat and A-flat piccolo clarinet during concert season. [b]Personality: [/b]A very serious, down-to-earth young girl. She always gives her all in her studies, resulting in her being in advanced classes. She’s also exceptionally dedicated to her music, practicing for multiple hours every day. Even though she only started playing clarinet two years ago, her work ethic and ability to learn rapidly have made her the best clarinetist in the band, a thing that a lot of the older players resent. This said, her dedication has also isolated her from her peers. She can be rather snooty and condescending towards those who she thinks don’t put in enough effort. [b]Other:[/b] Is in book club. Was also captain of the middle school chess team last year. Also is looking at putting together a clarinet choir club for the school.[/hider] [hider=Liz Webster][img]http://data.whicdn.com/images/26365818/tumblr_m1bqh7BG9v1qfkqo0o1_400_large.png [/img] [i]Liz is of just slightly less than average height, standing five feet three inches. She weighs 115 pounds, maintaining a rather slender figure. Her style can be described as rather carefree—while she does put on makeup it’s kept to a bare minimum, just enough to bring a bit of a sparkle to her hazel-blue eyes. She doesn’t style her hair, letting it fall down her shoulders in its natural, slightly chaotic waves. For clothing she favors loose, flowy shirts and soft leggings or skirts.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Miriam Elizabeth “Liz” Webster – And don’t you /dare/ mention the pun. [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Instruments:[/b] B-flat clarinet since she was eight years old. Piano lessons since the same time. Played flute in 8th, 9th, and 10th grade. [b]Personality:[/b] Rather carefree and laid-back, Liz has been skating on her musical talent for some time now. She started playing clarinet in third grade and was the best in her middle school band, even as a sixth grader, so she assumed she had enough raw talent to just coast by. She does still love music, of course, but she puts the majority of her effort into the various clubs she’s a part of, and prefers to spend time hanging out with her friends than practicing. This led to her getting third chair, behind her best friend and her own little sister, which she harbors no small amount of resentment about. [b]Other:[/b] Does journalism club, art club, and a bunch of other extracurriculars as well. Would do clarinet choir, if there was one.[/hider]