[img]http://i833.photobucket.com/albums/zz256/Raikitm/acdcc47c-23d5-4480-85e7-2eea7e714dca.jpg?t=1368069203[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Scouti Sparks [b]Race:[/b] Human, Skaa/Terrisman-Descendant [b]Allegiance:[/b] None/Self [b]Abilities:[/b] Allomancer, Feruchemist [hider=Allomancy Abilities] [b]Mistborn[/b]- Ability to burn all Allomantic Metals. [b]Burn Steel [Slow Burn]:[/b] A Coinshot, or steel burning allows a user to push on metal objects away from themselves. [b] Burn Iron [Slow Burn]:[/b] Reveals and allows to pull on metal objects. [b]Burn Pewter [Fast Burn]:[/b] Pewter's utility is not simply from the increased strength or speed. It grants the user the ability to heal from otherwise deadly wounds, and to recover much quicker. It enhances the body's natural balance, granting almost unnaturally smooth movements. Pewter also increases reaction speed Finally, it also increases endurance, letting the body continue on long past when it would have normally shut down. The increased speed and endurance allows a user with a sufficient amount of pewter to perform a "pewter drag;" running at roughly the speed of a galloping horse for extended periods. However, this can require several days rest and sufficient food to replenish the user afterwards. Pewter is the fastest basic metal in terms of burn rate. [b]Burn Copper [Slow Burn]:[/b] Burning Copper allows a cloud of electromagnetic charged energy to hide the user in a cloud that helps to hide them from multiple seeking techniques. It can cancel a Seeker's pulse finding abilities. Scouti has noted that it appears to jam some electronic abilities of foes and causes some distortion to thermal tracing. The cloud however coat the area in a find copper colored dust, making the target more visible to the naked eye and can show foot prints. It also causes some people sneezing fits. [b]Burn Bronze [Medium Burn]:[/b] Burning bronze causes the user to "feel" pulses of those using abilities around them. It is tailored to Allomantic abilities, but has been found to allow the general location of a someone using a special ability. Scouti is not well versed in "Seeker Training", but is able to burn bronze. [b]Burn Tin [Slowest Burn]:[/b] Burning Tin boost all sense of the user to a super human level. This allows for numerous advantages, however users may become temporarily deafened or blinded from loud noises or bright lights as result. [b]Burn Zinc [Medium Burn]:[/b] Zinc burners, or Rioters, allows the user to effect a target's mind in an inflammatory manner. This lets emotions or desires be amplified highly. It can cause some targets to lose focus or become unstable. Scouti has noted that animals seem to be strongly effected. While it is possible to use this ability on yourself, it is not advised. [b]Burn Brass [Medium Burn]:[/b] Brass burners, or Soothers, are the inverse of Rioters. They are able to dampen emotions or desires. This allows for some attackers to lower their guard. Scouti has noted that dampening aggressive desires on animals may allow for short bonds to be made. [b]Burn Bendalloy [Fast Burn]:[/b] Burning bendalloy pulls on time around the user, causing time to pass more quickly in a bubble around them. Events outside the bubble appear to move much slower to someone inside. This bubble is approximately five feet across, and cannot be moved once it is in place. Careful examination may reveal the edge of the bubble, where air appears to shimmer. Projectiles fired into or out of the bubble experience some force that throws them wildly off-course. [b]Burn Duralumin [Instant]:[/b] An Allomancer burning duralumin instantly uses up any metals being burned simultaneously, releasing an enormous burst of power from those metals, amplifying their effects. [b]Burn Atium [Very Fast Burn]:[/b] Burning atium allows the user to see a few seconds into the future, by producing atium shadows of everything they can see. The shadows perform future actions. Burning atium expands the user's mind to be able to accept and process all of the information. If another Allomancer burning atium is encountered, the atium shadow will split, since each seeing into the other's future means that they can both make different decisions that affect both Allomancers' outcomes. An Allomancer's atium shadow will also split if they are burning electrum. [/hider] [hider=Feruchemy Abilities] Feruchemist: A Feruchemist can use metals to store particular attributes in metal, somewhat like a battery called a "metal-mind". The larger the piece of metal is (and the closer it is to Allomantic purity), the more of that particular attribute can be stored. A Feruchemist can draw upon their metals in increased, compounded qualities, but the faster they do this, the lesser returns they receive. Only the Feruchemist who stored those attributes can draw upon them later, however. [b]Metal-mind Iron:[/b] Iron stores physical weight. Iron is used to store physical mass, or more accurately, density. This is accomplished by changing the Feruchemist's mass, not by changing the effect of gravity on the Feruchemist. The greater density has no effect on the Feruchemist's vulnerability to penetration. Tapping iron grants the Feruchemist the strength required to remain standing. Similarly, when a Feruchemist stores their weight, their muscles are weakened slightly. [/hider] Combat Skills: Without her Metal-mind or Allomantic metals, Scouti must fall back on her combat skills she honed while part of the mercenary company the Redwolds. Relatively skilled in knife fighting and dirty tactics, she is little more than a roguish duelist. She is double jointing in both arms and after dealing with poisons has a limited resistance to some, not full immunity. Weapons: [list] [*] (19) Throwing knives, unknown metal alloy [*] (2) Ceramic combat knives [*] (1) pouch of steel coins, sharpened edges [*] (1) pouch of steel filings, fine grain [*] (1) pouch of steel caltrops [*] (4) steel rods, hollowed [*] (1) 8.8 lbs Iron Shot Put [/list] [b]Additional Items:[/b] [list] [*](16) Alchemical Metal vials [*] (1) Steel Metal-mind [*] (1) Pouch of crushed pepper powder [*] (1) Pouch of Sneezing Powder [*] Leather Straps [*] Steel Chain, around waist. [/list] [b]Personality: [/b] Scouti is a rogue at heart and after growing up in the slums of a Skaa village has a great distrust for the rich. She is more fearful and cautious than most Mistborn that think themselves invincible. Her natural curiosity and determination however keep her exploring when other would stop. [b]History, Thus far:[/b]