[hr][hr][center][img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/system%20updates_zpspaunlhbp.png[/img][/center] [b][color=6ecff6]Season:[/color][/b] Summer [b][color=6ecff6]Number of Days Since Game Start:[/color][/b] 1 [b][color=6ecff6]Time Of Day:[/color][/b] 5:00 pm [b][color=6ecff6]General Ambiance:[/color][/b] Fear, Disbelief [b][color=6ecff6]Location: [/color][/b]Level 1 - Town of Beginnings [hr][hr]It is the first day since the game launch of Sword Art Online. The attitude is a complete juxtaposition with the previous day. Everyone had been excited for the start of the game, for the virtual reality experience open to all--and now, now their mirth has been replaced with fear and terror. A video game has become a death game. Everyone is still standing in the center of the town, and several people are either crying or are scared of what might happen. How were they going to survive? Several people have already died since the game started earlier that day. No one could tell what to do, and several people walked towards the front of the crowd, they turned to face the crowd. Everyone quieted down when they saw them, and the one in the front shouted to everyone. [color=aba000]"If we are to survive, we need to work together. We are some of the Beta Testers and want to help in everyway we can. We are going to hold a meeting at 2:00 tomorrow afternoon to see if we can figure out a way to beat this game. Everyone is welcome to come, either to provide help in creating a plan, or to provide their battle assistance. We hope to see some of you there."[/color] he said, and he and his companions leave. Heading away from the big crowd, with everyone watching them go. That leaves a few questions, and a few for you. What do you do, there are several hours until the meeting. Are you going to go after monsters to level up? Are you going to see about forming a Guild with others? Or are you just going to wait and see what tomorrow brings?