[color=#afc7b5]‘I advice that, as long as The Presence has not told us whatever his plan might be, we might be jeopardizing it by moving out too early.’[/color] Metallia commented, having stood by the side for quite a while without necessarily making any sign that she heard anything around her until now. [color=#afc7b5]‘I also advice that the larger our body-count, the larger the collective force of heroes focused on ensuring our demise will be. Serial killers are more important to neutralize than bank robbers, after all. Do as you wish with this knowledge.’[/color] She added, given the most recent discussion. Though, that conclusion had already been reached. [@Gentlemanvaultboy] If those first words was meant to reach all devices, then those words would be reaching all devices. Metallia became aware of herself being called personally by her own device, and her hand reached into her jeans-jacket's pocket to press the button to answer. [color=#afc7b5]‘I am receiving your words properly.’[/color] There was a tiny bit of underlying annoyance. Of course she was receiving the words properly. It was HER technology after all. Did she expect Metallia's device to fail? Preposterous. … But she did understand the need to test technology not your own. She was mildly aware of how many tests she might have run herself if someone else thrust a similar device of their own making into her hand... … [color=#afc7b5]‘... “Robo Princess”...?’[/color] She commented in a questioning voice. It sounded... odd. As far as Metallia knew, she was not of royal descent. She assumed the first word was derived from her use of technological constructs. The latter, she had to assume, came from her overall appearance rather than actual heritage. It was... … … oddly flattering, to be compared to such individuals. [color=#afc7b5]‘... Your nickname for me has been accepted. You may continue using it.’[/color] Metallia made a satisfied remark before ending her transmission.