[center][@Forsythe][@pyroman][@rocketrobie2][/center] [i]"Short term, yes, long term, we have much bigger problems. If you know of any large power generators, spaceship engines or another way to reach Earth with enough fire power to deal with the Nemesis, I would be very interested. You'll soon find out why."[/i] Nightscream said, directing Laserbeak to share his data with the other flyer. [i]"We should get going so we reach the city in this century. I'd offer a lift but alas-"[/i] She looked at Prism, [i]"-Some of us are entirely too heavy for now."[/i] Cyclonus instantly recognized the cassette transformer as his eyebrows lifted up for a second. [color=662d91][b][i]"Laserbeak old friend, where is your master?"[/i][/b][/color] he thinks to himself. Soundwave must have headed with Megatron and the others in their pursuit with the other autobots. As the transformer shared the mission data with him, Prism happens to speak to him as well. [i]"If you really wanted to help,"[/i] Prism casted a glance at Nightscream before turning to Cyclonus fully. [i]"Then maybe you could help remind her of my giant frame and body. She might be bigger and bulkier than before, but I've still done a lot of heavy lifting."[/i] [i]"I want to say no to your help, Cyclonus, but we don't really have the option to turn down your offer. You're going to want to take a look at that information that Nightscream sent to you. I don't think you're going to like our situation."[/i] Cyclonus takes one last analysis at their current situation, having a bit of a frown as he inspects it. Regardless, he then comes back to reality and looks at Prism dead in the eyes. [color=662d91][b]"A crazy proposition you got here,"[/b][/color] he remarks simply, [color=662d91][b]"But before you can find parts for your "little" ship, you'll need to activate a space bridge in order to even get there... Of course, if you have that covered, I may know a few locations for some of the parts... maybe even a ship. There should be a few abandoned hanger bays, as well as a few surviving construction facilities located to the east end of the city in the factory district. You would think they they would all be completely annihilated during the war, but I think know a location or two that could benefit your cause..."[/b][/color] He then looks down to find Sklog being quite excited to have him be working with them, and then back at Prism. [color=662d91][b]"As for movement,"[/b][/color] sighs Cyclonus almost dreadfully, [color=662d91][b]"And I can't believe I'm saying this... but I suppose I'd be giving you a ride. BUT first... I'd like to know who I'm working with. Your names please, minus Nightscream."[/b][/color]