[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#33ccff]Sayuki Kyasarin[/color][/h1][img]https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-_ZOZ33NNCY0/VO9uD2YuBWI/AAAAAAAAAJE/d69pjp_H0yM/w500-h281/26-02-15%2B-%2B1[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Floor 1 - Town of Beginnings Interacting With: The Beta Testers [@BlueSky44] [/center][hr][hr]Kyasarin scowled a bit, hanging towards the back of the crowd. She leaned childishly up against her sword, practically using the thing like a cane. If she wasn't careful, she'd cause the thing to break. The novice swords weren't exactly known for their durability. In the beta, she'd had a [i]far[/i] nicer weapon to use--the Ice Blade--but as far as she could tell, her inventory had been wiped clean. Still, even Kyasarin was able to see the various feelings of discontent weaving their way through the crowd. While not personally understanding them, she knew enough about human beings to see what would happen next: they'd begin to blame the beta testers. There was strength in numbers, and she [i]had[/i] intended on joining a guild at some point. It wouldn't be too bad to go join up with some of the more experienced players. Rushing through the crowd, Kyasarin jostled her way through dozens of hopeless looking faces, before making her way up to the beta testers. Standing at a hardly impressive 5'0", she crossed her arms, her sword at her side. [color=33ccff]"Hey! I want to join you guys,"[/color] Kyasarin said plainly. [color=33ccff]"Name's Kyasarin -- beta tester. You know, the one who made it to floor seven."[/color] She puffed out her chest a bit, trying to emphasize the accomplishment. Of course, there had been one player who made it farther than her, a strange boy who reached floor eight. She tried to not think about him often. They'd met on a few occasions, and he'd made it quite clear that he'd only play solo. [color=33ccff]"So? What'd you say? We got a deal?"[/color] Kyasarin pressed, a wide grin, or was it a smirk?, crossing her face.[hr][hr][center][h1][color=cc33ff]Starkette[/color][/h1][img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/920ec18278fb7e67943ea974b14d7dcc/tumblr_inline_n1f081pdHX1sx4ub7.png[/img][/center][hr][center]Location: Floor 1 - Town of Beginnings ---> Heading Out to Battle Some Monsters Interacting With: Her Fear[/center][hr][hr]Starkette picked at her nails the entire time, wishing desperately that the standard armor had come with some sort of a hood. Her [url=http://orig00.deviantart.net/a6db/f/2013/357/b/9/anime_girl_png_by_bloomsama-d6jt9jo.png]avatar[/url] had been removed by the horrible mirrors, leaving her feeling exposed. Already, she had caught someone staring at her, on the verge of recognition. Being trapped in this death game was awful, sure... ...but she wasn't certain it was any more horrible than people knowing her as Guinevere Stark. Her entire life, that was what she had been known for. No one judged her by her merits, only seeing her last name, and the shadows of her parents. She gulped, attempting to calm down, and instead found herself hyperventilating. There had to be [i]someway[/i] to get a disguise, to do something to ensure she wouldn't be recognized... Though, with a bead of sweat falling from her forehead, she realized that the gamemaker wasn't a reasonable person. Reasonable people don't create death games. The odds of him acquiescing to her request and changing her avatar up would thus be incredibly minimal. Glancing around at the crowd, Starkette resolved that her best bet would be to get as far away from the crowds as possible, and once she'd earned enough gold, purchase armor with a decent hood. [i]Maybe I can chop my hair off with this sword...[/i] she pondered, before seeing a rather short black-haired girl burst through the crowd, cockily waltzing up to the beta testers. Her eyes widened, however, when she realized she didn't catch the location of the meeting--just the time. [color=cc33ff]"How are we supposed to go to a meeting when we don't know where it is?"[/color] Starkette scoffed, her prickly outer shell coming to the rescue. Leaving the crowd, she glanced around for any players that looked like they were heading out of the town to level up. If she was going to go with the beta testers and try to clear the floor, she'd need to know how to do more than just hold a sword. Unable to find anyone, Starkette sighed a bit, and resolved to set out on her own. If she ran into anyone trustworthy, she'd join up with them. If not, she'd try to do her best not to get killed. At least she'd die as Starkette, for the moment.