[center][h2][i][b][color=2E8B57] Chandler Ryan [/color][/b][/I][/h2][/center] [center][i][color=2E8B57]Age: 30 Gender: Male Personality: Chandler is a quiet, sophisticated man with lots of tricks up his sleeve. Being well liked as a child, he knows how to manipulate others. He may seem truthful at face value, but he is a pathological liar and can get people to believe him no matter the circumstance. With strangers, he is indifferent. When approached, he is polite. However, if he develops a relationship with someone, he will most likely abuse their trust and use them to his advantage. The only person he has a soft spot for and is actually loyal to is his Father. [hider=Chandler Ryan][img] http://grouchoreviews.com/content/interviews/407/1.jpg [/img][/hider] Brand: Chandler is branded with a ripped dollar bill on his right peck to represent laundering money. Backstory: Chandler's childhood was nothing if not glamorous. Being an only child, he was always give whatever he wanted and more, and best of all, he didn't have to share it with anyone. His father owned and ran a very popular energy company in the heart of LA and his mother was an aspiring model who had a gig every weekend at some upscale fashion show, which he would always attend as well. Throughout his childhood, Chandler went to private school, had many friends, had good grades and was also very tech savvy. Everything was fine, and some would even say, perfect. Then, everything changed. Chandler's parents divorced when he was 14 after he caught his mother cheating. However, feeling guilty and afraid, he neglected to tell his father. It didn't take long for him to find out on his own though. After a very heavy custody battle which nobody won, Chandler decided he was old enough to live on his own and got emancipated. Being the heir to his father's energy company, and it's fortune, renting an apartment in the huge city of LA was nowhere close to a problem. He continued to go to school and graduated at the top of his class. After he graduated high school with an honor's diploma, finding a job was harder than he had expected however. After spending years looking for a job, Chandler got mixed up with some hackers who taught him to further his knowledge in computers and how to use them to his advantage. From this point on, Chandler was never concerned about finding a job ever again. He began laundering money to wherever he needed it, whenever he needed it and traveled the world with one of his many women on his arm. It wasn't until he turned 23 that he was caught and branded for his crimes. Equipment: Chandler carries an army rucksack wherever he goes. Inside it contains several changes of clothes, a couple throwing knives, miscellaneous food items, a water bottle, his cell phone charger, a lock picking kit, a crowbar and $100,000 he was able to get away with after being branded. Goal: Undecided. . . [/color][/I][/center]