Blegh. Here's something you either like or dislike. Shipping in advance. Not in a 1x1 or anything, but in a Group RP. I can get the drift of wanting to play a romance 1x1, so I don't mind that as much. But when you're in a murder mystery setting and people are talking about shipping characters with one another... ech. Even worse when they ship yours, though luckily, that hasn't happened yet. I much prefer if things happened naturally instead of people aggressively doing everything they can to get two characters in a loving relationship, especially when there's a good chance said characters could die on a moment's notice. I feel that it's just not right, especially when they had no prior connection. I get it if you wanted to ship them after a while of interacting, but we're barely into the RP and ships are already falling from the sky left and right. Oh well. [sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub]we don't talk about the fact one of my characters got perved on and the other finds himself in a harem all the time for whatever freakin' reason.[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]