Names: Joshua&Joy Joestar Age: 17 Genders: Male&Female Appearance: Joshua is, thank to his heritage and rugged genetics, unusually large for a man of his age, standing at about 6'5'' with mighty muscles like cliffs clinging to an overall mountaineous - by the age's standards - physique. His black straight hair are of middling length and are neatly combed and arranged into a side-part haircut. His face is slighlty elongated vertically, with a prominent jaw, large eyes and acquiline nose and constantly bears a very warm and kind, if not outright happy expression. He is a bit on the pale side. Joy is smaller and generally more... feminine, as befits a female, of average build and soft and attractive facial features. She wears her hair long and dyes one half of it red. There is boundless energy and enthusiasm visible in her every movement even if she attempts to actively conceal her excitement with life. Both Joestars wear mostly casual clothing but display an affinity for colors red, black and white. Backstory: When Joshua and Joy's mother, a devout purehearted christian woman and wife to George Joestar V, whose ancestors have abandoned England in favor of new unexplored lands during the colonisation era, was on the 1st month of her pregnancy, she went out to their backyard at late evening to watch some fireworks. In a freak pyrotechnics accident, one of especially big rockets landed right at her feet and exploded before she could react, a thin shard of it's casing shooting right through the poor woman's abdomen and exiting her between the ribs, miraculously leaving all of her vital organs untouched - but only she survived completely unharmed. The embryo from which her children later developed, was grazed by the passing shard, passing onto it strange and bizzare powers - that became split between the twins when they became separate entities, linking them forever on a level much deeper than just flesh and blood. Twins were born healthy and extremely loud, both bearing no disfigurements save for the curious matching birthmarks and small scars of uncertain nature on the soles of right feet, both grew up to be even healthier and louder, both proved to be somewhat delinquent in matters relating to school - their family was quite content with the fact that they performed splendidly at subjects thet they actually liked and maybe spoiled them just a little tiny bit. They grew up to be quite interesting kids - incredibly meddlesome to the point of being nigh-omnipresent, disregarding of authorities, full of energy and, absolutely deprived of petty cruelty, psychological issues or unhealthy obsession with internet so typical for many modern kids - neither has ever passed through the infamous "edginess" phase, none of them has ever spoke anything along the lines of "i hate you, dad", and they haven't ever staged an elaborate prank or an act of childish vandalism out of meanness or malevolence instead of an earnest desire for a hearty laugh and thrill of doing something that's forbidden. Of course, they regularly break the curfew erected by their kind mother, but make sure to never break her heart by not being in their beds when she wakes up - and they always do the dishes and never go against her word when she REALLY means it. Their Stands have been with them their whole lives - a sudden and strange manifestation did not corrupt them or inclined them to abuse it, instead being a harmonic, controlled part of their beings that is only utilised when they want to - usually to mess with someone. Like: Joshua - sushi, frozen kit-kats, animals, fantasy settings, wrestling, interfering with all interesting things in sight. Joy - maltesers chocolate balls, pranks, making friends, fucking around in fruity loops, producing music, sci-fi. Her mixtape is fire. Dislikes: Boredom, inactivity, jerks, actively studying. Powers: 1) 「Two Tickets To Paradise」 takes the form of two gaunt, skeletal dwarves of metal-like material, which sketches their outlines, but is rather empty inside, each dressed in a cape and hat with crown, with long, curly hair. Joy's is greyish-white, while Joshua's is red. The joints of the stands aren't there — it is as if held together by an invisible force. Destructive Power: C Speed: B Range: C (three metres†) / A (unlimited) Durability: C Precision: A Development Potential: B This Stand has the following abilities: Gonna Leave Tonight: 「Two Tickets To Paradise」, upon touching an object in its area of influence, may teleport it to any point up to three metres from either Joy or Joshua. Trip So Far From Here: Whenever an inanimate object is teleported into another inanimate object, a shape for it to fit is 「erased」 from the target object. The excess material vanishes. †† Both of Us: As long as either 「Ticket」 has body parts left, they can freely swap excess limbs, by teleporting them with 「Gonna Leave Tonight」. This means that in a pinch, either Stand can acquire an additional set of arms to punch or touch things with. Either 「Ticket」 can also freely teleport their own body parts in their sphere of influence, as long as it stays fairly static. ——————————————————— † Personal ranges follow the general rules for stands, but the familial bond overrides that, so the Range ranking is a split variable. †† This vanishing works similarly to Stands like 「Cream」 or 「The Hand」, except for the fact that it is more limited in scope of effect and doesn't work on living things. At least for now. 2) Joestar Family Secret Tecnhique Imparted unto them by their father, who is currently far away overseas on business matters. Both Joshua and Joy are at very least acceptable athletes and can run really really fast.