[color=fff200][h1] Golden Peking Swing[/h1][/color] [color=bc8dbf][right][h2] Kijo Kokorensin[/h2][/right][/color] [indent][indent] “Hey! You ! Get Back here!” A male voice would shout in the crowds, as a group of men would be chasing after a woman dressed in white. The woman had been moving quickly, as if her bodice was engineered too run, every muscle acting as if a well oiled machine, the gears turning without an issue. The streets had already been crowded, making it a rather cramped get a way. Who was this woman in white? Well, Kijo of course, her short locks would be bouncing with her movement as she’d run across the street, the group trailing hot behind her. The streets had been just as busy with after noon rush hour, people going home or trying too get their thirty minute lunch in. [i]”Jump.”[/i] a voice not her own would echo through her ears, and as if she had been controlled by said voice she’d jump up, finding herself sliding across the hood of a car. The woman would stopp on the other side of the side walk, glancing back. A man had been hit by a car, but that wasn’t stopping the group. “Tch.” The girl would begin running again, she hadn’t even broken a sweat yet. Kijo.. had been a wanderer of some sort, and not having a source of income, she had too pick up a few things on the streets- but stealing from normal people had become too easy, and hardly enough too feed the funds of her life style; she aimed at gangs, thugs, and other well scum of existence. Skidding down an alley way, the dirt would be kicked up at her movement as she could see the group not too far from her now. Running down the alley way her eyes would narrow onto the chain link fence, “Hah, she’s trapp-” quickly climbing up the fence she’d glance back at them. Grinning she’d wink too them,[color=bc8dbf] “Maybe next ti-” [/color][i]”They have guns Kijo!”[/i] the voice would shout as the girl would jump off the fence just barely avoiding the bullet, frowning. Why are they so butt hurt over this...it was their fault for making it too easy too steal. Running down the other alley way, she’d turn her head as she watched them begin too not soo gracefully try too mimic her maneuvers on the chain link fence. Those moron’s were smart enough too at least use a silencer, although what were they going too say? She stole their cartel money. and a few... [b]small[/b] diamonds, and had hidden it somewhere quiet impossible too reach without the ability of flight. She would quickly turn into a building, and instantly the scent of oriental food would dance at her nostrils, looking around it was rare too find a good restaurant. Quickly, she’d move from the entrance and find herself a seat in the back. If there had been any stand users in the area, they would instantly be able too see the creature floating behind Kijo. The entire creature’s body seemed too be covered in feathers, and it’s harpy like features would also be entirely too noticable. The creature was giant however, it would tower over Kijo; who had been atleast five feet and seven inches in her heels. She’d smoothly sit down, as she’d grin up too the stand before quickly looking too the menu. [color=bc8dbf]“I wonder if they have good tea here..”[/color] [i]“I think it’s time we blow this joint...” [/i] The creature would advise, and she’d smirk too her [s]mom bird[/s]stand. Where would the fun be in that? [i]”You are smart Kijo-sama, but I don’t think you should allow yourself too be a prisoner too pride. Those men are dangerous."[/i] The stand would cross it’s arms and she’d shrug her shoulders before humming too herself. What was the name of this place even? Looking too the menu. The Golden Peking. Well.. when in Rome, do as the Romans.[/indent][/indent]