[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/cursive-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Isabel%20Crown&name=writtenonhishands.ttf&size=50&style_color=8A96D4[/img][/url][/center] [center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m62l6e0D2V1r4uyleo1_250.gif[/img][/center] [hr] A dizzying sense of disorientation washed over Isabel as she slowly regained consciousness. Her eyes fluttered open and in the next instant, she jolted wide awake. The glass pod made her feel trapped, no escape, and suddenly she felt very claustrophobic. Breathing short, quick breaths, Isabel looked around to find that she wasn't alone and there were others just as panicked. Some banged on the glass and shouted while others seemed to be very confused and scared. It was all very traumatic until a familiar voice, J, sounded through the intercom. Isabel sucked in a deep breath and then slowly exhaled to calm her nerves as she listened to him speak, eyes closed. But as soon as she began to feel slightly less frantic, her heart started to race once J began to sound nervous, panicked. The ship vibrated violently, Isabel struggled to keep her balance and listened frantically for J to reassure her that everything was okay. But his voice was cut off mid-shout and another vibration rocked the ship. Isabel had spent most of her life on Port Hope and had never traveled too far from home so this was all new to her. Fear shook her body harder than the ship as everything began to heat up to the point where she could feel her heart pounding in her ears. A red, blinking light went off, illuminated horrified faces with each flash. [i][color=7ea7d8]This is it[/color][/i], Isabel thought. [i][color=7ea7d8]We're all going to die. We're all going to-[/color][/i] Very suddenly, it all stopped with a thud, her head hitting the top of her pod with a loud thunk. Isabel felt momentarily paralyzed and all she could feel was the heavy thumping of her heart, her vision patchy as she blinked away the lights that danced across her eyes from shock. After a beat of time passed she slowly brought herself to her feet, taking a shaky step forward. Breathing through her nose, Isabel stepped out of her pod just like everyone else and also, just as confused as everyone else. A few people had already exited the ship so, rather than wait in fear, Isabel made her way out. The air was so clear that it almost hurt to breathe as Isabel wandered out into the greenest place she had ever seen. Leaning down, she gently brushed the tips of her fingers along the cool grass with a curious smile on her face. Looking around at the others she could tell that no one else had expected this outcome either. She started to laugh quietly before bolting back up to a standing position the moment she heard an angry, masculine voice. Turning her head toward the source she saw a man with a gun pointed right at the group of teenagers. Instead of feeling threatened, Isabel recognized the same look of confusion on his face that had been plastered on her own face as well as everyone else's. She nodded in agreement after hearing Christine respond to him calmly. [color=7ea7d8]"It's true,"[/color] she said. [color=7ea7d8]"How'd you miss a group of fifty kids on your own ship, huh? And could you please do yourself and all of us a favor and put the gun down? I'd rather not get shot today considering the fact that we are all unarmed and [i]just[/i] as confused as you are. Which reminds me...[i]where the hell are we?[/i]"[/color]