[hider=Cheonsang Kingdom] [h3]Name of Nation:[/h3] Cheonsang Kingdom / Cheonsang Wangtan / Heavenly Kingdom [h3]Banner/Flag:[/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/JS5Fv67.png[/img] [h3]Type of Government:[/h3] Royal Triarchy [h3]Leaders:[/h3] King Seo Tae Sun, human, male Queen Seo Sa Ra, human, female Princess Seo Mi Ran, human, female [h3]Persons of Importance:[/h3] Admiral Tae Yu Na, Tatara, female Cho Rae Yeon, Nyali, female [b]Diplomatic Corps:[/b] Yang Ji Han, human, male Sang Na Mi, Tatara, female Yeo Ae Ri, Nyali, female [h3]Demographics:[/h3] 50% Human 20% Nyali 20% Tatara 10% Several other species, none more than 2% [h3]Species[/h3] [b]The Nyali[/b]: [img]http://i.imgur.com/cEkMpRvl.jpg[/img] The Nyali are a curious race. Just like their sister race, the Tatatra, the Nyali only have female members of their species. Once, in the far past, they might have had males, but until now, they have evolved to use female on female insemination. After insemination, there is a five month development period in the womb, before both females lay exactly one egg each which hatches after five more months. Visibly they strongly resemble harpies of human mythology, but a lot less scary. Although mostly human, they have wings instead of arms and their feet are bird claws and very dexterous and therefor used to handle a lot of things that their arms cannot. Their feathers are vividly coloured and can have multiple hues and colours which is also reflected in their hair. Socially Nyali have a flock-like behavioural pattern and they quite dislike being alone and so they are very well suited to crew spaceships, mostly acting as engineers and gunners as well as psychologists and other social support officers, but also pilots, due to their natural ability of flight. [b]The Tatara:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lOWqdnIl.jpg[/img] The Tatara are very similar to the Nyali, except for their physical looks, to the point that scientists believe they might have developed from the same roots. They have the same reproduction cycle, no males and a similar "human hybrid" look. However, they certainly are very different in many other ways. For one, Tatara have seven limbs; Arms, legs, wings and a tail. Another surprising biological feature is their ability to breathe actual fire, which makes them, with the inclusion of claws for both their hands and feet and their protective scales on at least half of their body, different body parts are covered for every individual, very good fighters and marines. Otherwise Tatara's are able to do basically every duty out there, even diplomats, although that might be a little rarer to see, since firstly aliens are not accepted by all empires as equal and secondly, Tatara are known for being a bit impatient and impulsive. [h3]Religion:[/h3] [b]Nebula Trinity:[/b] A fairly spiritualist religion that reveres the three nebulae in the vicinity as signs of nature's beauty. As such, the holy number is 3 and every follower of the religion has to do a pilgrimage to the Trinity system, which is a triple star system with three planets, all inhabited with three moons each, clearly a sign of the gods, as the chances of this happening are very, very slim. In contrast to many other religions, this religion sees not male gods, but only female ones, inspired by the beauty of said nebulae, birthplace of many, many stars. There even is a religious order, the [i]Sisters of the Nebulae[/i], who watch over the integrity of the nebulae and have the duty of licensing and controlling mining operations. [h3]Culture:[/h3] Quite interestingly and contrary to most space faring empires, due to the Nyali and Tataran cultural influences, females of all kind are seen a lot more frequent about almost everywhere. Most of the admiralty is female and the desired gender of the children in humans is, for most human couples, girls as well. However, this is not as much of a problem as one might make it out to be, since there are quite harmless methods of transforming one's body into the opposite sex, which makes the boundary between male and female even less visible. However, the Korean influence is even visible within the two major alien races. Every name is based on Korean names from back on Earth, even the Nyali and Tatara abandoned their cultural naming to better fit into the society. Even more so, the official language and script are Korean and their architectural style, while modern is heavy leaned upon traditional, 11th to 19th century Korean architecture. Naturally traditional Confucian thought, though, was, slowly supplemented by philosophy from the two major alien races, which makes the country quite introspective and progressive in thought and mind, which explains the high acceptance for new alien species and thought patterns. Cheonsang people also experience the feeling of "Han". Han is sorrow caused by heavy suffering, injustice or persecution, a dull lingering ache in the soul. It is a blend of lifelong sorrow and resentment, neither more powerful than the other. Han is imbued with resignation, bitter acceptance and a grim determination to wait until vengeance can at last be achieved, however, Han is passive. It yearns for vengeance, but does not seek it. Han is held close to the heart, hoping and patient but never aggressive. It becomes part of the blood and breath of a person. There is a sense of lamentation and even of reproach toward the destiny that led to such misery. [h3]History:[/h3] It all started with a fleet of colony ships starting from a United Korean Federation on Earth towards an unexplored part of space into the Sagittarius-Arm . Upon arriving there and founding the colony of Silla, an exploration ship found a colony of a new alien race, later known as Nyali, which whom they immediately managed to make diplomatic deals with. Soon after, they had discovered another alien race, the Tatara and, even though relationships between the three races started out a little roughly, it quickly grew into a profitable partnership and then, in the end into a friendship. This friendship, however, was threatened when the Imperium formed, forcing the small blossoming nation into its mantle. Korean government officials were deposed and replaced by Imperium loyal ones. Racism against the Nayli and Tatara was widely considered immoral and wrong by the human population, but a certain degree of discrimination was, by law, required. This meant frequent uprisings against the iron hand of the empire, which were far from successful. In a desperate attempt to escape Imperial might, the Nyali, the Tatara and a lot of human sympathizers sought refuge in the Omega and the Trifid Nebulae where they managed to settle several systems concealed from the Imperial scouts. It was there that they, out of the necessity of hiding developed the star gates, they use even now to travel from point to point instantly. During this time, the Seo family was elected as royal rulers to steer the way of the new Cheonsang Kingdom. When it became apparent that the Imperium was collapsing, sleeper agents inside the region up to the Lagoon Nebula started to incite revolts against the rule of the Imperial governeurs. After five years of struggle, the separatists managed to topple the Imperial government on the capital Baekje. What followed was an industrial boom unprecedented in their history, even in the history of Korea. Mines popping up everywhere and the discovery of new resource places, since the area was previously pretty much ignored by the Imperium, brought the Cheonsang Kingdom to the realization that they were sitting on a gold mine. Most important systems were equipped with hyperspace gates to compensate for the slow warp drive. This was a peaceful and prosperous time for the Kingdom and the focus of research and construction was almost entirely on civilian ships and economy. Things started to change when news of a new leader in the nearby Dominion reached the Cheonsang. Alien races, especially the Tatara pressured, scared by the thoughts of another, even more terrifying oppression, the government to focus all their research for military technology and rearm the nation. Now that the Dominion seemed unstoppable, a gigantic array of military fortresses has been erected in the systems bordering Dominion space hoping to hold them off until help arrives. [h3]Military:[/h3] Most of Cheonsang's military operations are focused on the navy, the only place where the military thinks it is able to at least contend the Dominion's might. Other than basic army equipment, the only close combat gear actually fabricated are marine equipment used for Tatara marines. [hider=Navy:] Most ship-classes and designs are fairly new, none older than twenty five years. Therefor there are not a lot of ships in the navy, but they are excellently designed to be a lot stronger than your usual ships. [b]Fighter:[/b] [i]Anyang[/i]-class: [img]http://i.imgur.com/cpJjShi.png[/img] [i]Ansan[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/D3Vtku1.png[/img] [b]Frigate:[/b] [i]Torpedo:[/i] [i]Muan[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/LuULgFt.png[/img] [i]Plasma:[/i] [i]Imsil[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/5Tqcrsm.png[/img] [i]Beam:[/i] [i]Naju[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/hs5y3vd.png[/img] [i]Anti-Air:[/i] [i]Jinan[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/UomtUqC.png[/img] [b]Destroyer:[/b] [i]Sokcho[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/0V6vvKk.png[/img] [b]Light Cruiser:[/b] [i]Variant A:[/i] [i]Kaesong[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/LRaeXjm.png[/img] [i]Variant B:[/i] [i]Taebaek[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/sdnf3Wc.png[/img] [b]Heavy Cruiser:[/b] White:[i] Daejeon[/i]-class, Red: [i]Jeonju[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/3appvbZ.png[/img] [b]Battlecruiser:[/b] [i]Yeoncheon[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/9Ck9uE5.png[/img] [b]Battleship:[/b] [i]Incheon[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/97xXmLd.png[/img] [b]Dreadnought:[/b] [i]Seoul[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/9PtDANP.png[/img] [b]Light Carrier:[/b] [i]Andong[/i]-class [Img]http://i.imgur.com/v7rfJ1o.png[/img] [b]Escort Carrier:[/b] [i]Busan[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/yQVNWHB.png[/img] [b]Heavy Carrier:[/b] [i]Daegu[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/LqsHXrt.png[/img] [b]Fleet Carrier:[/b] [i]Pyongyang[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/urfyiHz.png[/img] [b]Siege Vessel:[/b] [i]Gwangju[/i]-class [img]http://i.imgur.com/GMBPpOR.png[/img] [/hider] [/hider]