[center][b][h2][color=DimGray]Dakota Wilds[/color][/h2][/b] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/478855167089987585/7fYvqjJ5.jpeg[/img][/center] [b][color=DimGray]Full Name:[/color][/b] Dakota Wilds [b][color=DimGray]Nickname(s):[/color][/b] None. [b][color=DimGray]Online Username:[/color][/b] KFCIsForCommunists [b][color=DimGray]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Undecided [b][color=DimGray]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=DimGray]From:[/color][/b] Vermont, United States [b][color=DimGray]Birthday:[/color][/b] October 13th (Libra) [b][color=DimGray]Age:[/color][/b] 19 [b][color=DimGray]Brief Personality && Biography Description:[/color][/b] Words that can be used to describe Dakota may include "strange" and "weird". Whether or not his random comments and extremely excitability is a result of his ADHD or just a natural trait of his personality is completely unknown. Either way, nobody seems to mind much as he's found himself comfortable and "at home" with his group of online friends. Particularly good friends with Jordan and Phoenix due to his interest in aliens, Dakota seems to be another optimistic member of the group and is always willing to listen to the troubles of others. Dakota appears a hidden trove full of advice, however, he has demonstrated that he is not the best at keeping secrets - especially other people's. Currently, he's on summer break from community college where he is planning to complete his general education before transferring to a university. He is currently unsure what career he wishes to pursue. It is known that Dakota takes daily doses of Ritalin to treat his ADHD and that he has a fifteen year old younger brother named Raven. [b][color=DimGray]Additional Information:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Wants an alpaca. [*]Considers "Fight Club" to be his favorite movie. [*]Probably never escaped his "XD Random" phase. [/list] [center]- - - [b][h2][color=DimGray]Dakota's Relations && Opinions[/color][/h2][/b][/center][list] [*][b][color=Salmon]Hiji Taki[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=gainsboro]Morgan Tucker[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][color=goldenrod][b]Ivy Brooks[/b][/color] - Online Friend [*][b][color=orangered]Jordan Welsh-Noire[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=crimson]Luna Ren[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=LightSeaGreen]Kokoro Ren[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=Cyan]Josh Taki[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=Indigo]Casey James[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=SandyBrown]Slash Mitchell[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=MistyRose]Colette Filiatrault[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=MediumTurquoise]Phoenix West[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=MediumPurple]Miles Sterling[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=burlywood]Norma Johnson[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=darkGray]Weston Young[/color][/b] - Online Friend [*][b][color=LightCoral]Leah White[/color][/b] - Online Friend [/list]