Just got caught up here... Been a while since I looked it over... Apologies for all the notifications you guys got for likes and laughs, but you earned them. I'm going to address the poster from the last page that mentioned quitting - sorry for not tagging, I'll add it later. (Later is now, EDIT: [@Rin] - I always make good on promises) You do you, fam. I know time and busy make it hard. Hell, I had to take a break when Skyrim first came out. We all hit a wall, but it never lasts. I was in a place where role-playing felt so lackluster once that I thought I'd never come back. A couple weeks later, I talked to a buddy and he said something that sparked an Idea (he's my most trusted partner) and lo and behold, I was back. That's all it takes, but sometimes you need to put something down to remember what a great thing it was for you. On the topic of self-insertion, it feels pretty good if you can comfortably reach. OH! ROLEPLAY self-insertion. My bad. Yeah, Ew... I don't think I ever had that issue, but I was the opposite - we all have those just-starting fantasies of playing the main character before realizing this isn't a novel... Or, I did, cause I was like 12. Every character was Felix or Xavier and he had black hair with silver steak (because duh? It makes him wise) and he was special dammit. So cool! No, I cringe thinking about it. Bleh. Oh, I guess I didn't bring my own Bitch, did I? Uh... Let's see here... Real life Bitch - there's a know it all in my Russian class who has a degree in Russian History and, honestly, knows a lot about a lot of things. But he's SUCH a condescending asshole all the time. I'm thankful I'm better at the language than him, but for other people... Holy fuck there's a point where it's like, dude, learn to act like a Normal human around other people. He's got this "What, you didn't know that there was this group of rebels in the middle of the fucking Amazon who hasn't been in the news or talked about since you were eight? HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT THEM LIKE I DO?!?! Oh right, you must be uncultured swine." And that's my rant, I've paid the toll, does it suffice? :)