Akira reluctantly let Allura go as he watched her disappear into the crowd in an attempt to find a table. Well at least it should hopefully reduce the overall time of this experience. He turned in the direction which should eventually lead him over to the bar as he slid and shimmied passed groups of people within the tavern. Where necessary the young man would push his way through, ensuring to not be too top heavy as to set off a brawl. He would occasionally pass someone at the wrong moment, merely to be greeted by a drink infused belch, which would generally return a look of disgust before he continued. When he finally made it to the bar he leaned on the counter and waited. Several workers rushed about between patrons to offer service and take orders. It seemed almost as chaotic as the original streets him and Allura had walked on here. Some time would pass before a worker would eventually come over to Akira. [color=39b54a]"Greetings Sir, what can we get you?"[/color] Akira had almost completely spaced out in boredom, shaking his head to regain some concentration. "I need two rooms, for at least two nights. Tankard of ale, and whatever wine you can muster up." [color=39b54a]"Certainly Sir, and the names for the rooms?"[/color] "Akira Shadow and Allura Brown." Akira replied as the worker gave him a strange look, for a moment before going about fulfilling his request. First the bar worker pushed two keys over to Akira. [color=39b54a]"A-1 and A-2, adjoining rooms sir."[/color] A few moments later the young man had returned with the drinks. [color=39b54a]"Plus an Ale... and a Bloodwine. That'll be 20 gold please sir."[/color] [i]20?! who are these rip off merchants![/i] Akira thought to himself before shoving the small coin bag over the counter and grabbing the drinks. [color=39b54a]"Enjoy your evening and stay sir!"[/color] The bar worker called out as Akira once more disappeared into the crowd. This was not a very successful way of getting around, Akira desperately tried to defend their drinks as he weighed his way passed the patrons once more trying to spot Allura amongst them. "Where has that Angel gotten to?" Akira mumbled whilst glancing around. He spotted a dagger board out the corner of his eye and had to resist the temptation of being drawn in by it. He continued to pass by patrons and was looking for Allura for a good few minutes before he spotted her across the room sliding herself into a booth that had just become vacant. But it would appear the manner in which she'd claimed it had drawn the attention of others looking for a place to sit, and it didn't seem like it was going to progress in a particularly nice manner. Somewhat panicking Akira became more forceful and hasty as he tried to close the gap to where Allura is spilling part of his own drink down himself as he momentarily stopped and looked down at his now ale soaked armour. "Bollocks" he responded vulgarly to his own predicament and by the time he was close enough to Allura to be in talking distance it would seem that the situation had escalated to a rather intimate level of violence. Akira smirked as he casually walked over and slid in at the other end of the booth. He placed both his and Allura's drinks down on the table before lifting his tankard and taking a sip. His eyes fixed on the man that Allura had the blade turned on. "Let me guess..." Akira placed the tankard back down. "You thought you could throw your weight around because she's a young woman? Well I can tell you she's as good with a blade as she is beautiful. I'd suggest you leave." Akira spoke calmly and casually as if this situation was something of a typical occurrence. "Unless." Akira taps his hand on the edge of the table. "You want to settle this outside... 50 gold says you can't put me down. What do you say?" Akira looks to Allura and his eyes flicker red for a moment as he smiles. The young man fiddles with his pockets and coin pouches before dropping a bag down on the table. "Plus your chances are better against me then the lady, I mean you barely raised a hand and you now have a blade to your throat. Whereas me? Crossbow, sword, even daggers. Do I strike you as someone who knows what they're doing?"