Kat got up from bed, kissing Grace on the forehead and Matt on the lips. The idea of performing their own marriage, spending time alone together, was very sweet and very tempting. But it terrified her to leave Grace alone, even for a day or two. She knew that Nikki could be trusted with her but after the loss Nikki had just experience could they even ask her to do this for them? Was it fair to her? Walking the halls she heard Jenna call over the PA for dinner but wondered if anyone would even be hungry after everything that had happened that day. Kat found herself in front of Nikii's door. Raising her hand, she hesitated twice before finally knocking. When the door opened Kat wasn't sure what to do. The kind of person Kat was, if Matt had been killed she would have bitten the head off of anyone who even mentioned his name. But Nikki was different. More in touch with her feelings and more open than Kat was. It was a way of being that Kat wished she had. She opened her mouth but shut it again. Words seemed pointless. Actions had always served her better. So, she acted. Reaching out she pulled Nikki to her in a fierce hug. She didn't say anything, because there was nothing to say. She didn't back away until Nikki pulled away. Both women looked at each other with eyes of knowledge. Losing people was going to happen more and more. No one could change that. But they could be each other's support when it did happen. [color=6ecff6]"Dinner should be safe. I didn't cook it,"[/color] Kat finally spoke, her tone normal but quiet. [@Wick]