Consciousness didn't return to Cameron until after the crash, and by the time she got her brain running at speed, most of the other kids were already out of their pods and exploring their new environment. Cameron stumbled out of her pod into the cargo hold, jogging to catch up to the other former inmates. With every step, new questions formed, new logic checks that had no answers. They had escaped prison, but gone where? Onto a ship and into those pods. What were the glass pods? Likely some sort of stasis pod, judging by how long it had taken her to reboot once she woke up. [i](Stop that, you aren't a computer, you don't reboot, you wake the hell up.)[/i] Why did her head hurt? Likely hitting her head on the top of the pod during the crash. Why did they crash? Answer uncertain. Where did they crash? Answer uncertain. How long were they in those pods? Answer uncertain. That one worried Cameron the most. If she was right, and those [i]were[/i] stasis pods, then they could have been trapped inside for any variable amount of time. Too many answers uncertain, too many questions left without resolutions. That was unacceptable. She found the rest of the group, all gathered in... what were those? Trees? Was that running water? In hindsight, crashing on a planet made sense, but planets were such an unknown to Cameron that the possibility of actually being on a planet hadn't even occurred to her. Were all planets like this? A tear freed itself from her eyes, against Cameron's will to keep it contained. She clenched her fist, knowing that more were coming where that came from, knowing that she could keep it under control if she would just focus. Keep her brain moving and thinking about anything but the conclusion she had just arrived at in her head. One man caught her attention: he was much older than the inmates, and from what Cameron could overhear, this was his ship they had just stowed away on. She watched as he holstered his gun, recognizing the model and make of the weapon immediately. XFire3 Switch, Marco. Her father had tried to rip its design once, to no avail. It was a weapon near unmatched in known space. [i](Best not fuck with him, then.)[/i] Cameron heard numerous questions wondering where they were, bringing her mind right back exactly to where she did not want it. "We're on a planet," Cameron whispered, slumping over where she stood and sitting right there in the grass. "We're on a motherfucking [i]planet.[/i]" She repeated it louder that time, half as an answer to those around her and half as a reminder that this was a very real situation they found themselves in. Fortunately, Cameron held back her tears, but her shock was apparent; she stared emptily at the grass beneath, struggling to fully comprehend its existence.