[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmIyMjliMy5RMjlrZVEsLC4wAAAA/big-quicksand.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/69/9a/21/699a21140f6b184d7bf2430dc4121914.jpg[/img][/center][hr][hr] Cody watched intently as the others interacted with the older man. Upon seeing the planet for the first time, his attention had been split between so many things. There was so much to take in. But as soon as he spotted the man's gun, he focussed all of his attention like a laser on that. They were right, he probably couldn't mow them all down but he could probably take out quite a few of them with that thing. Cody didn't see any point in risking it. Yet some of his fellow inmates apparently thought it was a good idea to antagonize the one person with a gun. Cody felt his body tense until the situation seemed to resolve itself. He breathed a deep sigh of relief and noticed a few of the others do the same. After the stranger calmed down and began inspecting the damage to the ship, Cody crouched down and ran his hand over the grass, smiling at the feel of it as it ran between his fingers. But then a thought hit him and an eyebrow arched. "Was this part of the plan?" he asked no one in particular before turning to the rest of the group. "Was any of this? Were we supposed to be here? On this planet?" They were all questions that needed answered and Cody scanned his eyes across the group, looking for someone to respond. Did any of them know? Did any of them have a single idea what the plan for their escape even was, other than simply "Run"? Asking himself the questions only opened the floodgates of his mind to more but he restrained himself from asking them all at once and instead looked to the others for answers.