[hider=June Arthur] [center] [url=http://dreamself.me/d/mvbB]DreamSelfy[/url] Name- June Arthur Age- 23 Occupation- Carpenter Sexual Orientation- Lesbian Background- From out of town, she had a very stereotypical family life of two parents, two older brothers Owen (27) and Micheal (26) and a younger sister Bethany (17). She adored Owen, doted on Bethany, and detested Micheal like any good little sister. This stayed that way until June was 9 and her father, Murray, fell in love with one Albert Killian. June didn't have a great time, lashing out and eventually being shoved into carpentry with Ray the local old carpenter. She took to it easily after pouting for the first week or so. From there things were more or less fine. She had another panic of her own realization that she's not straight at all, Ray's adult daughter having been visiting around the same time. It took a full heart to heart with Ray and her parents (especially her father), and Ray keeping his daughter out of the workshop when June was there, to help her come to accept herself. A brief bout of popularity after she grew more confident of herself came to a screeching halt when she made the, in her words, biggest mistake of her life. Hurting her brother Micheal in a way she never wanted to. This mistake prompted her to stay away from home and do a lot of soul searching, practically living in the loft of the workshop until she turned 18 and left town to Bellview. She kept to herself for the most part, not wanting to make the same mistakes as she did before. Not liking the person she had become in that time. She had recently been joined by her dear baby sister, Bethany. Who is making it her life's work to shove June out into the world again. Personality- Charming, Well-Intentioned, Manipulative, Dependable, Calm Appearance- Very tall at about 5'11" she's drifts between androgynous and feminine with relative ease. You'll just as easily find her in a sundress as you are in flannel and jeans. She rocks whatever look she has. Walking tall and proud. Rarely seen without a easy smile on her face. Very lanky build and seems like a twig but rather fit underneath all the clothing.[/center] [/hider] [hider=Bethany Arthur] [center] [url=http://dreamself.me/d/mvbU]DreamSelfy[/url] Name- Bethany Arthur Age- 17 Occupation- Apprentice Carpenter Sexual Orientation- "Likes People" Background- Unlike June, Bethany was not too upset by her parents divorce. She was literally too young to care and her only memories of them together were very vague and not solid whatsoever. So she drifted along, protected from most of the backlash by her older siblings and her parents. Even June herself refused to let Bethany see her like that. Knowing the girl looked up to her. So Bethany was free to be a kid, focusing on kid things like toys and such. The minute she went to school herself she started making friends, people flocking to her easily. She had that 'Arthur Charm' as her older brother Owen called it, as much as any of her older siblings. But where they used it to awkwardly start flirting (teenagers), she used it to make as many friends as humanly possible. Her entire life she had been protected namely from June's acting out and spiraling sexuality issues. Every time a issue in the family cropped up. She was shielded from it. It's only when June left and it finally came out why June had left as sudden as she did, did she realized how much had been hidden from her. It was the first time she had ever been angry with her big sister. Not sending a letter for months until June wrote a very long, detailed apology and explanation of the events. Bethany also pursued spending time around Ray, since he was such a large part of June's life that had been hidden from her. She picked up bits of carpentry almost as easily as June did. Eventually that solidified that Bethany wanted to life with June and apprentice under her. So once Beth was 18, she moved to Bellview as well. There she saw that June had kept herself cut off from socializing and was still punishing herself for hurting Micheal. She decided it had been long enough and was going to bring her big sister back. Not this shadowed person full of guilt. Personality- Sweet, Friendly, Stubborn, Confident, Passionate Appearance- She takes more after her mother than her father, short at 5'3" kind of broad shouldered, she's more of a stocky girl. Like her sister she's usually smiling but is far more openly expressive about her emotions.[/center] [/hider] Busted my booty on it but I DID IT