Mind if I join in with an old codger sitting on access to Civil War era bases? [hider=Kyle Horain] Name: Kyle "Wile" Horain Race: Human (Alderaanian) Age: 60 Occupation: Information Seller, explosives expert, saboteur for hire. Appearance: Old picture [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/swg/images/9/93/Imperial_Spy_(card).png/revision/latest?cb=20080919145110[/img] There is a rather old picture of him in an Imperial base, sabotaging something. He stands at six foot interestingly to this day, the only differences between the picture and nowadays, this picture here is accurate, just take away the pipe. [hider=A more accurate picture] [img]http://static.artuk.org/w1200h1200/PTB/PTB_PLM_PLYMG_1979_12.jpg[/img] [/hider] Gear: (The following gear excluding one of the defender pistols are normally in a trunk Kyle likes taking around with him, the only key being on Kyle's person.) [hider=The chest and key] [img]http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/mA_JxVw_tHnUESSGjYz2bCA.jpg[/img] [img]https://img0.etsystatic.com/011/1/6871887/il_570xN.430424740_javl.jpg[/img] [/hider] One T-21B heavy blaster 2 (Normally disassembled) Defender sporting blaster pistols 1 thermal detonator 1 FastTurn-3 Hydrospanner 1 ReliaCharger power calibrator 1 Fusioncutter of some description 2 datapads 1 pair of TD2.3 electrobinoculars 1 electronic lock breaker Many code cylinders and old passwords jotted on paper, one of those datapads is an inventory of his information. Backstory up until flying on the the Milano: Kyle's upbringing was normal for a child of a bog standard diplomat in Alderaan, in fact Kyle's life didn't really become eventful until Alderaan's destruction, which the birthday bloke witnessed on the way to spend the day with his family. Kyle was working for the Rebellion at the time as a spy tasked with monitoring local Imperial movements, and well that was a horrific event as well as a valuable bit of information about the Death Star's latest location to the Rebellion, as well as the loss of Alderaan. After the battle of Yavin, replacing one of the coordinators during the battle and cheering the victors on, Kyle took part in the bombing of the supply base on Imdaar, becoming a reasonable help in the Rebellion. The last famous battle Kyle participated in was the Battle of Endor, in the strike team sent to destroy on the shield generator on Endor, his last action in the Rebellion was to celebrate the destruction of the Death Star, he then retired from the Rebellion and decided to use the information and equipment he managed to get from the Civil War to kickstart a life of criminal acts and better pay. Ever since then Kyle has led a reasonably successful life by selling off secrets and old access codes, helping with bomb activation and general espionage, or just selling off the equipment that lies in old Imperial and abandoned Rebellion bases and or ships. He now lies low on Bergen's Haven, with both the Republic and the First Order after him because the old man stole around forty data cylinders from them both as well as a small supply of blaster ammunition from the First Order. Propositions for shared backstory: He is a reasonably well-known rebel and information dealer, and he is a man with a lot of old access keys and code cylinders that can unlock doors to Imperial and Rebellion bases and ships however he doesn't like people knowing that he has the potentially valuable objects in the trunk, referring to the datapad with the inventory and a few passwords/phrases for his dealings. The said datapad's inventory is in a rather crude code-language to hide the valuable information it does hold. He did also steal blaster ammunition and a big sum of code cylinders from both the Republic and First Order, most of which he is still decoding to find out their secrets. [/hider]