[B][center] Allan Vicman [/center] [/B] May 13th 11:00 a.m. Today was just another day for Allan Vicman. He sat on the couch in his uncle's house eating cereal before getting ready to head out. He was watching the news as usual and almost nothing else. Jason his uncle walked by, smirked then shook his head. "Looking for a reason to be a hero today?" Allan looked at him briefly and suppressed the urge to singe his arm. "Don't need to look to long out here. Its too early for me anyway." Usually most morning dialogue between the two included annoyed looks, some words spoken and then "Later, get some beer on your way home." Being said to Allan. The last statement was always something Allan did no matter what dangerous activities he was involved in at night. Today was no exception as Jason was just finishing up and Allan waited until he got the car ready. Laptop on his right and duffle bag with his books and extra clothes on his left; Allan was just about ready to leave. They both had work and were out most of the day. Allan had class first then needed to leave for work while Jason just had a long work day. While they rarely get to really see each other Allan was still glad he knew someone in this city. "Alright Vic get your stuff I'll be ready in a few." "Got it." New Athens, Midtown Thirty Minutes later Jason pulled over his jeep as a few ambulances flew past. As the sirens flashed Allan's eyes lit up from the lights. The city wasn't a huge center for crime, but having a lot of superhumans here did make any crime that could take place potentially devastating. As the last truck went by they carried on. "Hey try to get back early tonight alright. You don't really have to work today do you?" "Whats wrong?" Allan asked while leaning against the door trying to get a little rest. "Nothing just get home a little early." "Bruh what's wrong?" With a sigh Jason was getting ready to explain. It was obvious something series was happening soon. "Well some of the neighbors are starting to get a little worried. I know Mrs Anderson caught you as you were comin home that friday night." "Shit about that..." Allan couldn't really say much actually. He wasn't too careful and a nice woman saw him with half his clothes burnt off and some blood on him. That was definitely not easy to explain. "Well she was sweet about it. Don't worry she won't say anything." "I saw a patrol car driving down our street a little too often last night. I doubt she said anything to the cops but people aren't stupid. They notice weird shit so don't get caught. Your mother will kill me if you get into too much trouble." The humor in Jason being less worried about the police and more on whether or not his mother will kill him almost caused Allan to start laughing uncontrollably. However, he knew how serious this was and simply nodded. "Ok ok big boy I'll be more careful. No wondering around like a damn zombie in the open for all the see." "See I knew you were smart."