Trick was beginning to lose feeling in her body. Even the bullet wound's fire was dulling to a low warmth. Blood oozed out of it, slow weak like her heartbeat. Sound was a muffled thing, like someone was holding seashells to her ears and all she could hear was the ocean echoing in her head – screams, crashing, sirens, all blurred together. She couldn't focus her vision, black quickly closing in around the edges, and her eyes were barely open. Her breath was too shallow. She was so tired. Then a shadow blacked out the blurred lights in front of her. "[i]Hey… hear me?[/i]" She couldn't quite place who it was that was speaking to her, but the voice was familiar. Somehow she knew the sound of it should irritate her, but she didn't have the energy for emotion. Her eyes drooped closed and she didn't know if she had the strength to open them. [color=crimson]"T…"[/color] She tried to speak, but what came out was just a forced sigh. She closed her mouth and tried to breathe more, mustering what little energy she had left. [color=crimson]"Too many,"[/color] she finally got out. And then Trick, drained and hurting, finally fell unconscious.