[quote=@Maxx] Oh? We're introducing the SG people now? Good. Time for Evil Jesus to join the battle. [hider=Franco Browning] [center][img]http://nextluxury.com/wp-content/uploads/popular-mens-long-surfer-hair-with-beard.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1] Francisco “Evil Jesus” Browning [/h1][/center] [hr] [indent] [b]Appearance:[/b] 6’0”, 180 lbs. He’s got a surfer’s physique, tanned and sun-kissed with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. He wears a shark-tooth necklace around his neck and has a tattoo of a weed leaf on his right shoulder (so you know he’s a douche). He has crooked teeth and smiles most of the time. [b]Attire:[/b] Yellow muscle shirt with a surfboard logo on the back, grey camo khaki shorts. He wears a pair of black and grey five-fingers (those shoes with toes in them). He has a grey assault vest trimmed in orange. The shoulder straps of the assault vest hold glowing blue nullifier packs. An orange bandana is wrapped around his right bicep. He carries an AK-47 on his right hip. It has a six inch bayonet on the end. On the back of his belt are two glocks. He has a 22” bowie-style machete that he carries on his left side. This is his favorite weapon. He calls it Martha and occasionally talks to it in a way that is weird even by SG standards. Martha is made of carbon steel, with a black rubber handle. Two leather cords hang from the loop on the end of the handle. Both have small feathers on the ends of them. He carries two nullifier grenades and two frag grenades. He carries a ukulele in a black travel bag on his left shoulder. The ukulele is named Caroline. Francisco also seems to be exceptionally affectionate to his uke. Someone once asked him if he liked Martha or Caroline more. He had a panic attack and wasn’t seen again for a week. [b]Backstory:[/b] Born in California. Francisco was a beach bum, a hopeless pothead surfer who didn’t have much of a life ahead of him. He tried the college thing, but it didn’t work out, so he worked in a surfboard shop and spent his days chasing the waves. Made some money off of surfing competitions and the like, but he just [i]wasn’t[/i] satisfied. There was something missing from his life. He would sit there at night and contemplate what it was that he couldn’t find, what it was that made him unhappy. He watched the sharks rip away at their chum and breach to obliterate seals, and he sighed longingly. Then he joined the military. He loved it more than anything, the visceral pleasure of pumping a man full of lead, the fun of slicing open guts and seeing what was inside. It was just. So. Fun. The military didn’t like him, though. He was too unpredictable, too dangerous. He was discharged after he sliced an innocent man to pieces in a frenzy of rage. So, he decided to become a mercenary. He worked with Adelon for a bit, but they weren’t much more fun than the army. So, when he heard SG was recruiting new hired guns, he jumped right in. He served in Africa for a few years, where he found the visceral pleasure he desired gunning down and cutting up metas in Somalia and Sudan. It was here that he became known as “Evil Jesus” due to his crazy hair and hyper-aggressive attitude. Though he wasn’t particularly bright, he was rather charismatic and became popular among the other troops there. He bloomed under the desert son. He became a deadly killing machine. He learned how to use Krav Maga in order to break bones and end lives with his bare hands. He learned ukulele from a fellow soldier. By the time he left Somalia, there was not a single living metahuman in the country. He spent a few months in Afghanistan, killing people over there, until he was recruited to join the other SG troopers on Arkos. He is a junior officer currently serving under Baba (because he has the best weed). He’s fairly well-known in the organization, though not known or trusted enough to run his own gang. Grunts generally do what he says out of fear, especially after stories circulated of what happened when a soldier in Afghanistan disobeyed him. No one knows if the story is true, but they also really don’t want to find out. [/indent] [/hider] [/quote] Great shit, get the fuck-