[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/0w3Lo8B.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/717gBPG.png?1[/img][/center] [color=papayawhip][indent]The Lunar Maximum Security Incarceration Facility was a sprawling mass of technological innovation, reflecting the influx of advancements of the space age. A distant, off world moon, inhabited solely by criminals and the worst scum of the universe. It was here, within sterilized white-washed walls illuminated by bright overhead lamps set into the ceiling. Six sets of boots clapped against the tile, the soft sounds echoing off of the walls until the guards could hear nothing but their own reverberating footsteps. They walked with purpose through these winding halls, down into the rocky bowels of the moon. Lower, and lower they went, tile changing to metal paneling, and back to tile. Staircases shook and vibrated with the force of their purpose. The air felt stale down here, as if it hadn't been recycled in some time. Doors set at intervals in the walls slowly drifted past. Hands fell to the corrugated grips of shock batons as their destination grew closer.[/indent] Around them the corridor echoed, footsteps on tile, and the soft wailing of prisoners who could not be reasoned with, of those too far gone for humanity to save them. A Psychiatric worker looked up from a clipboard as the guards turned a corner before him. He pushed his glasses up his pointed nose as his eyes narrowed on them. "Another one? That makes..." He said, but his words faded away as they fell upon deaf ears. He grunted, moving on with his tasks. "Welcome to Psych, rookie," A senior said dryly, a hollow chuckle escaping his lips. Nobody said anything as they worked their way back to what felt like the back of the facility. The darkest, deepest corner where the filth crawled to hide. Yet, their destination was still a ways from the lowest levels. [color=seagreen]"Tik.."[/color] The guards marched along, their feet falling in unison. [color=seagreen]"Tok..."[/color] They gathered around a door in a half circle, the senior guard producing an electronic key card. [color=seagreen]"Tik.."[/color] "Ready up boys," The gruff voice of the key holder commanded, sliding the thin strip of plastic through the reader beside the door. It was hard to think that most security was based off a thin piece of plastic. [color=seagreen]"Tok..."[/color] The lock buzzed, followed by a mechanical click. A firm hand wrapped around the handle, before sliding the heavy door into the hollow space of the wall. [color=seagreen]"Tik.."[/color] Six uniformed men filed into the room, shock batons held before them, fingers a hair away from sending an electrical surge through the rod. Taka looked up curiously from her position on the floor, her legs braced up against the wall bending her into an 'L' position. [color=seagreen]"Tok..."[/color] she chimed, dropping her leg down against the wall. Her other leg elevated slightly, [color=seagreen]"Tik.."[/color] she began. "Inmate Two-Three-One-Three, on your face," One of the guards commanded, his bulky form stepping forward to take charge. He squared his wide shoulders and pointed his weapon at her, "Don't make me ask again." Taka cocked her head to the side, blinking once... twice...squinting into the light, [color=seagreen]"Don't I get a last meal or something?"[/color] "ON YOUR FACE," He yelled, taking another step closer. [color=seagreen]"..."[/color] She rolled over, worming forward just enough so that she could place her chin in her hands, [color=seagreen]"Because I was really thinking spaghetti again."[/color] The younger guard stepped forward, confusion written on his face, "Spaghetti? We didn't serve any-" His senior whirled on him, irritation pulling his face into a scowl, "Shut the fuck up Mahvis." Mahvis took a step back, baffled, the idea of unity planted in him during his academic training suffering a heavy dent, "I.. ah.. er..Yes Sergeant." The Sergeant turned back once more to his charge, his lungs filling with air and another command ready to split the still air- before the momentum collapsed entirely as his eyes fell upon a face down Takakiko who was humming softly, hands placed firmly behind her back. He nodded one of his underlings up, and together they cuffed her and set her on her feet. [color=seagreen]"Gosh, I'm going to look great for the ball,"[/color] Taka said with a touch of acid in her voice as another set of manacles found their way around her ankles. The two restraints were connected by a chain only loose enough to allow her to shuffle. And that's exactly what she did as the two guards took her shoulders in hand and led her from the empty cell. [color=seagreen]"Hey new guy, I leave all of my stuff to you okay?"[/color] "But-" "Mahvis Shut up," another guard commanded. Mahvis threw a look over his shoulder at the empty cell; containing only a box of crayons and the scribbles of a mad woman, excluding the necessary toilet of course. He shook his head slightly, a sudden longing for home welling up from deep within him. The path back up towards the top seemed to drag on forever, much of which Taka was either dragged along for, or prodded threateningly. It didn't really matter, she knew where she was headed, but perhaps it was time to accept her fate. [color=seagreen]"Taki... I'll see you soon,"[/color] she mumbled, earning her another confused look from Mahvis. It wasn't until they reached their second destination that he finally voiced the question burning deep inside him. "Is this really necessary?" He asked, tightening a strap around the prisoner's wrist. "Have you seen Doctor Meiner's ear?" Sergeant Nupall asked. "Yea, why?.. oh shit don't tell me." [color=seagreen]"Doctor [i]Meaner[/i] deserved it!"[/color] Taka cried out defensively. "Shut it inmate," Sergeant Nupall seethed, stuffing a damp rag between her teeth. He forced her jaw shut around it with a harness connected to a metal cap. "Doesn't that go under the conduction plate?" Mahvis asked, a worrying suspicion forming a hollow pit in his stomach. "You an expert on execution Mahvis? Not like it matters anyways," The Sergeant admitted, pulling the rookie off towards the side of the room, "Oh, Two-Three-One-Three, The Doctor sends her regards." This time he did laugh, the kind of chuckle that said he wasn't so far away from Takakiko's state of mind. Mahvis wrung his hands together nervously, seriously regretting his transfer decision. 'A moon colony, nice and easy' he'd thought, but this place was insane. Sergeant Nupall's fingers hovered just above the button, but he savored the moment. Just for a second, one blissfully sweet second, though it was soured by the prisoner's seemingly uncaring attitude, but he knew that was just the insanity. A tapping on from the glass observation deck pulled his attention away. On the other side of the reinforced glass was a pair of guards and a suit. "Aw fuck, hang here rookie," He said, "And don't touch [i]anything[/i]." Mahvis followed his commanding officer's instructions to the letter, barely breathing as he stood there. Thirteen feet away from a woman, an alien yes, but a woman who was about to have her life taken from her. Inches from the button that would end her life, slowly, and painfully. He could already feel the defeat rising up inside of him, the hopelessness of it all. The world was cruel, what was he even doing here? "Let her go Mahvis," Sergeant Nupall said as he reentered the room. By the look on his face he was severely unhappy. "What, Why?" Mahvis asked, stunned into inaction. "JUST FUCKING LET HER GO MAHVIS, FUCK," He screamed, slamming his foot into the console. The whole thing fractured, and popped as electricity sizzled and sparked from its internal workings. They both froze, staring at the prisoner in horror as it short-circuited. They were met only with the woman humming once more, happily. Sergeant Nupall sneered as he left the room, leaving a stunned Mahvis to clean up his mess. "I fucking hate this place," Mahvis said, moving towards the prisoner. It had only been a month since he arrived here. Every second had been hell for him. How did anybody retain any shred of sanity here? That was the question he kept repeating to himself as two men he didn't recognize arrived to lead the prisoner away. Mahvis stared at her back, running a hand through his mop of hair as her hum echoed inside his brain. [color=seagreen]"So.. they decided to give me my Spaghetti then?[/color]. If Mahvis had a gun he might have shot himself right then and there. A handful of minutes later, and to Taka, a thousand twists and turns through a maze of hallways, she found herself outside of a door flanked by a pair of guards. They both eyed her suspiciously, yet their faces also seemed blank and devoid of feeling. Taka flashed them a smile, licking her top row of incisors. They door hissed open, she was pushed into the room and instructed to have a seat. She was about to question the order when she received her answer, or rather felt it, as her handcuffs fell to the floor. The chain rattled as it trailed along behind, and a moment later her ankles cuffs followed. The guard handed her a familiar object, her trusty pair of light filtering goggles. She skipped over to a seat rather happily, and looked around the room. Next to her was a brown-haired amber-eyed beauty, followed by a tall-dark-and-handsome, and a suave-faced strong-chinned looking fella. None of them seemed particular to her, but they must be as bad as the prison made herself out to be. She came to the conclusion that they were probably worse, they had six guards total in the room and that meant two for each of them. She wondered what they did to get such attention. She found the final members of the room, and there was a face she recognized. [color=seagreen]"Oh hey Hardy! Are we all getting Spaghetti?"[/color] [/color]