[hider=Jackal 'Ventmaw' Westari] [center][h2][u][b]Prisoner Data Form[/b][/u][/h2] [h3]Jackal Westari[/h3] [hider=Photograph][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/phaeselis/images/d/d5/Half-dragon.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140716213555[/img][/hider] [/center] [b]Aliases:[/b] Ventmaw (nickname his old crew gave him, comes from how his mouth appears like a burning forge or vent when breathing flames.) [b]Prisoner ID Number:[/b] 1607 [b]Species:[/b] Gorgas, Hellkite Variant [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 127 [b]Former Faction:[/b] N/A [b]Physical Description:[/b] [hider=Description Form] [b]Height:[/b] 9'5" [b]Weight:[/b] 1,250 lbs. [b]Eye Description:[/b] Yellow eyes with no iris and a black slit for pupils, resembled that of a crocodile. However they beam like a pair of dim light's in the dark. [b]Hair Description:[/b] N/A [b]Skin Description:[/b] Blue scales that while biological in nature they have a consistency and durability of iron, except for the pale-white scales along the stomach and underside, which are softer and leathery. Scales are keeled and a bit sharp, measuring about 3 cm in diameter. [b]Scars, Birthmarks, or other Identifying Traits:[/b] A claw-marked scar, likely from another Gorgas, runs along the left side of his face overlapping his eyelid. A single row of sharp scutes run from the back of his head to the tip of a keratin-tipped tail. His wings possess an additional set of hands, both his hands and feet are three fingered claws with an additional thumb. [b]Description of Clothing/Armor:[/b] Wristbands and waist armor made of primitive metals and work. With fur from a mammal of sorts as a loincloth. [/hider] [b]Bionic Limbs/Synthetic Organs/Robotic Augmentations:[/b] N/A [b]Weapons of Choice:[/b] N/A [b]Charges/Sentences:[/b] -Confirmed to have committed at least 10 murders, 7 of the murder victims were either partially or almost completely consumed by him. -Upon confrontation, he had not only resisted arrest but had attacked officers in retaliation, killing two before he was subdued and arrested. -Affiliation with a criminal organization. [b]Skills:[/b] -Physical superiority, Strength speed and endurance being well expected from his race. -He is able to breathe mid-range jets of flames, and is practically a monster at close range combat. -He can fly should he have enough space to do so, and the gravity isn't much stronger then that of earth's. -Unable to burn. -An enraged Gorgas, hellkite in particualr, is both a detriment and a benefit. Should one become vastly enraged their adrenaline goes 'haywire' loosing most instincts of self preservation, ignoring pain, and gaining temporary surges of great strength and other physical feats, with the sole purpose of violently 'solving' whatever it was that enraged them. In a non-sparring, direct combat between two hellkites it often becomes a savage brutality between the two opponents, often ending in either draws or close-call victories, rarely will such an encounter leave either opponent without serious damage to their lethal nature of the rage instinct. [b]Flaws:[/b] -He prefers to use his biological weaponry if at all possible, though he won't shy away from a rifle or ranged weapon of sorts if needed. However while he has four hands he has difficulty wielding non-melee weapons due to lack of proper training and oddly formed hands. -Despite seemingly lacking morale and having a brutal method of fighting he has a strict sense of honor which can lead for him to go out of his way at put himself at a disadvantage or disengage from a fight or slaughter. -Cold-blooded, he does not fare well under cold conditions, should be kept away from air conditioning. -If enraged he often goes into things blindly or charging straight into battle without someone to hold him back. [b]Personality:[/b] At first glance one could easily assume Jackal is a savage beast, but beneath his warrior-persona and brutish nature, he has a very simple and almost respectful way of talking to allies, a bit more intelligent then one would assume. While he despises his home world for exiling him, he still abides their code of chivalry. However he has a very short temper, and can enter an enraged, berserker state where he abandons thought and reason for nothing more then bloodshed. While enraged, it is difficult to reason with or calm him down, and he has very little control over it other then he can attempt to redirect his anger to inanimate objects or the desired enemies instead of harming allies. He tends to have a craving for the flesh of most races, including other Gorgas and Humans, however he is self conscience of this and typically hides this craving. Though if given the chance he will happily consume a corpse in secret from those watching. He dreams of settling down in a nice hot environment filled with wildlife, and exploring other planets so long as they aren't too cold. He loves nature and has a respect towards vicious and monstrous creatures. He also however, enjoys the idea of teamwork and values his allies more then himself, despite the criminal or unmoral acts they may be committing. To him family and friendship comes before morality, law, and politics. Chivalry Code: Not attacking weak or defenseless people unless if they have dishonored him or have threatened him in a way that would warrant termination by his judgement. -Never underestimate opponents, nor over estimate your own ability -Never abandon an ally -Do not disrespect the dead, even if they are enemies. -Abandon a Gorgas's natural gifts for weaponry and technological advancements -Show no mercy to whoever disrespects this code. [b]Personal Biography:[/b] At a young age Jackal was raised by a notoriously aggressive tribe. Starting at 36 years old, juvenile for a Gorgas, he was trained in the art of killing as did his relatives and peers performed. He was raised as a warrior cleric for the tribe, though was taught to enforce other tribes by war into worshiping Dalefar, The dragon God of Blood and Hunting. Dalefar was a taboo god to most of the other tribes, while the god is said to enforce much of the lawless and savagery of nature that many Gorgas ideally accepted, the God is also worshiped through meaningless violence and savage pillaging, which even other Gorgas found evil and dishonorable at times. This and there aggressive political wars had caused the very war-waging tribe to be counter-fought into extinction. The survivors, including Jackal, were sent off the planet as exiles. Being sent off into the galaxy, Jackal worked shortly as a mercenary before being involved in a small-time criminal organization. During one of these organization's raids, he was sent along with some other workers to raid a merchant ship. Jackal killed much of the crew on board, but only fought those who were armed and ready to fight instead of the unarmed pilots, engineers, and civilians. Which the rest of his group dealt with. Jackal stayed behind so his other associates could escape when officers arrived to neutralize the group. He was unsuccessful as his group were caught as well. They were all executed one by one, but the executors didn't take into account the biology of a Gorgas after a rather embarrassing situation of the electric chair not killing Jackal. With the thought of his failure to save his crew in his conscience he didn't retaliate despite the opportunity to escape when the execution failed. So he was brought back into his cell and his execution was postponed until the prison could receive drugs for lethal dosing. This saved his life, as he was selected an alternative for something other then his immediate death. [b]Personal Belongings:[/b] He has a trinket that serves as a tribute to Dalefar, which is a dragon made of obsidian connected by an iron chain that functions as a pendant. Though he doesn't wear it for fear of it breaking. This serves as his only memento to his original, now extinct, tribe. [/hider] [hider=Gorgas Race] [center][h2]Gorgas[/h2][/center] [b]Home Planet:[/b] Reijar [b]Brief Summary of their Home Planet:[/b] About the size of earth, though the environment is drasticly different. While it is in the Goldilocks zone, the atmosphere has asymmetrical yet stable layer of magnetism and ozone. The asymmetrical side is a small fraction of the south pole. This area is a volcanic epicenter of molten rock, high tectonic activity, and too hot for liquid water even on the solid rocky surface. The surrounding border is a much cooler rocky desert, and beyond that, being the rest of the planet, a vast tropical jungle of hot temperatures and high humidity. It is uncertain when or how the Gorgas were born, but their home is the molten area of the planet. [b]Member of the Galactic Federation?:[/b] Yes, though there communications with other aliens including humans is rare except for individuals seeking out of the planet. [b]Number of Colonies:[/b] 1 [b]General Appearance:[/b] Their appearance varies with subraces, but they are all generally speaking reptilian and lizard-like. their eyes range in various colors and resemble either a snake's or a crocodiles, and tend to have a glow effect like dim candles, giving them great night-vision. Even amongst variants there may be variations of features such as spikes and horns among individuals. They possess a fork tongue that acts much like a monitor lizard's or snakes as a scent detector. They are cold blooded, and do not survive well under temperatures below 60 F. [b]Average Life Span:[/b] So far age by itself has not claimed the life of a Gorgas, no evidence of aging beyond maturity hinders them, however rarely do any exceed 400 years due to disease and their violent nature. [b]Galactic Rarity:[/b] Since they only inhabit there sole planet, and rarely do individuals leave, they are extremely rare to be anywhere outside of there homeland. Most cases individuals are exiles looking for mercenary or criminal work. [b]Primary Governmental Structure:[/b] Tribal, clans often fight each other as they value physical strength as the dominant sport for leadership rather then charisma, however they do also value wisdom and basic intelligence. [b]Brief Description of Culture:[/b] They are tribal and live off of the planet raw, forming small shelters of caves within the ground and rarely using any form of technology aside from primitive stone weapons and tools. They value strength as the dominant feature of social and survival fitness, and have a 'survival of the fittest' belief as well as a culture built around honor, especially in combat. They refuse advanced technology, though can tolerate space ships solely for their transportation methods. [b]Special Traits/Racial Abilities:[/b] Many give them the nickname 'Dragons' as they not only often share the appearance of such, but share many of their fictional traits. While they stay away from advanced weaponry, they make up for it in physical proweness. All sub-species can generally be considered brutish beasts on their own by raw strength, speed, and endurance. Their scales are usually hard, though the strength of the scales vary between sub-races. Typically they have strong layers of plated, keeled, or leathery scales aside from a softer underbelly or stomach. Some variations can breathe flames by use of exhaling flammable bio-gas mixed with a specialized tongue for igniting sparks against the lips. All variants however, show a distinct immunity to even the most extreme temperatures they are exposed too, burning them as thus proved impossible even by plasma-based measures (though they can still be damaged by the blunt effective of explosive plasma). [b]Race Age:[/b] 100,000 [b]Brief History of the Race:[/b] It is uncertain where the race evolved from, though they themselves tell you that they were born from a mystical and ancient race of actual dragons, who they claim are mythical-like and worshiped as gods. Though there is no fossilized evidence of such claims. [b]Expanded Cultural Overview:[/b] [hider=Culture] Though tribes can vary, all Gorgas generally believe in both honor and social Darwinism. Those that are strong enough to survive thrive, and those that do not perish. They rarely help each other beyond with simple tasks or errands, as they honor strength in self reliability. Because of this culture, they are not afraid of death and often duel each other for both simple issues or even as far as rights to leadership. Brawling is a common sport for Gorgas, especially with hellkites and Drakes, which often ends up being a fatal fight to the death. Rarely will one show mercy to another, and their fighting style reflects their savage appearance. Biting, clawing, tackling down or charging are the typical strategies, with some variations with tail whipping, strong punches, and grappling as well. It is not uncommon for a Gorgas to cannibalize another Gorgas, and they have also been known to eat other races on a few very rare occurrences. Their honor is bound to battle, which also ties into why they prefer using their natural abilities rather then weaponry. While some may use primitive weaponry such as clubs or spears, they do not go farther then that claiming that it throws away their purpose as natural predators and makes their weaponry that they were born with obsolete. Their religion reflects the 'Dragon Gods' who they believe to be there ancestors. Each individual dragon is unique in size, appearance, and aspect of their power or domain. Such as fire, death, and rebirth, as well as their personality and influence to a tribe. While they all believe in existence the same large pantheon of dragon gods, most tribes will often stick with one or a few selected gods that they feel reflect their individual tribe's nature. They believe that while the dragons are dead, their spirits are present and powerful and influential on not only their world, but the entire universe. Clerics often have various assortments of items related to their selected god, and have prays spoken in their native tongue frequently. Clerics are tasked with influencing their religion to other tribes by either force or through presentations, usually both, in hopes that they can change a tribe's favor from their original god to the cleric's god, or at least add that god to their respect. They however, do not disrespect other religions of the dragon gods since they all at least have some belief in the other gods in the pantheon. However some gods, like the one of death or thievery, is frowned upon from being worshiped. While not at war, tribes often sport in the wild. Their volcanic home has little to offer other then the heat that they enjoy, which to other life-forms would be fatal to even be near. However many are sent to retrieve water from the more humid side of the planet, and most of the tribes settle on the border between the desert and molten area so that they can enjoy the necessity of water, with the luxury of the intense heat. Few leave into the jungles to live there, as its not warm enough for their comfort despite having a yearly temperature of 70-105 F. The population of the planet is spread across the desert and some bearing the dryer molten side, however they are relatively low in population for various reasons. Gorgas take a long time to mature. Hatchlings become juveniles after a decade, and juveniles do not mature fully until they turn 100, sexual maturity occurs within 50-60 years. Gorgas tribes are often at war with each other mostly for the love of battle itself, and have battles frequent enough where some tribes simply perish altogether. Occasionally the desert has 'cold spots' where the temperature drops drastically to as low as 40 degrees at nightfall, which often kills many Gorgas in their sleep. Wyverns are wild beasts that are often either taimed or slained by Gorgas, which are massive dragon like creatures with two hind legs and two powerful wings for claws, which can range between 15 to 30 feet in length depending upon the species. Another popular creature in Gorgas culture is the wurm, giant reptilian monstrosities that gorge upon the ground like giant snakes. They are limbless and are easily well over a 100 feet long, many can exceed 500 feet, and resemble more like giant worms then snakes with teeth or even pincer-lined mouthes. Wurms are both feared by the Gorgas and a challenge that many warriors seek to slay. [/hider] [b]Expanded History:[/b] When their planet was discovered by the federation, their was surprisingly little conflict, if any at all, between the various war-bearing tribes and the ships that descended for reasons of diplomacy. However it took a decade for the federation to get the tribes to cease fire and honor a newly made treaty. While most of the Gorgas refused their technology or to take to the stars, they did agree to keep 'in touch' with the federation, and allow some ships available for transporting exiles or the rare individual that willingly wants to leave the planet. This treaty also creates 'safe zones' for the extraction points to prevent war and tribal politics from destroying or damaging these ships and the people that wish to leave. Since then there has been a handful of Gorgas that left for mercenary work, and a dozen more that have been ostracized by the clans. The Gorgas tribes have also agreed to treat other races within the federation with hospitality and non-violent care, though rarely have they had any non-political visits due to the planets harsh ecosystem and weather. Aside from this, they have very little influence upon the world and the rare sighting of a Gorgas, especially the larger hellkites and Drakes, spark much of terrifying rumors and even racist based fear of animal instinct and a lust for consuming flesh. Many mercenary Gorgas still retain some of the honor of their home world, and charge into battle unarmed with any weapon and rarely sport armor other then their primitive wear. Despite being at a disadvantage their physical superiority, tough skin, and bio-weapons make them terrifying opponents nonetheless. [b]Other: Race Variants[/b] [hider=Hellkites] [img]http://img10.deviantart.net/fbae/i/2014/081/f/5/ridley_for_smash_4__by_marioshi64-d7b8t2e.jpg[/img] vaguely humanoid, though usually have a bipedal posture some typically stay on all fours. These are the most 'dragon-looking' variant, as they have a large pair of bat-like wings in addition to their powerful arms and legs. With a six-limbed count, these variants stand often between 12' to 25' on their hind feat. They have long tails that have a length usually 2/3's of their height, and they commonly have variations of horns, spines, crests, and sometimes dulaps and frills along their body. Their scales keeled but have a more leathery texture. This variant can breathe fire as mentioned before, and can fly though they would need a lot of space to take into flight. Some can fly better then others but their mobility in the air is limited due to their beastly size and posture. Hellkites have sharpened claws and feet that are said to be sharp enough to tear into stone and their heads resemble are much more saurian and almost sleek enough to be considered a dragon, though some may vary between looking like a lizard or looking like a pterodactyl. Hellkites are the rarest variants and are often honored as being closest to their ancestors. Despite being bulky they have a relatively elongated build compared to Drakes. Even though they are larger they lack much of the muscle and weight that Drakes have, though this makes it able for them to fly. Granted though, that is only by comparison, as hellkites are still almost unnaturally strong, with records of some being able to bend or even break iron. [/hider] [hider=Drakes] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/c9/bf/52/c9bf52ee03684066f4e661877e119722.jpg [/img] Drakes resemble bulky lizard-men. Like hellkites they may possess variations of spikes, scutes, horns, and the likes of lizard-like traits. However their scales are plated and more keeled, and are more mettalic to the touch then leathery. In fact these scales are as durable as iron, making them typically walking suits of armor, with the exception of their chest and underside, which scales are much softer in comparison. Drakes do not possess flight and it is rare for individuals to be able to perform fire breathing, but are the most physically able race of the variants, with a record holding lift of 3 tons for the species and being incredible fast on foot. This variant has a much more humanoid build, though tend to be hunched over a bit. The size of the drake averages between 5 to 15 feet tall, though there are records of individuals as tall as 20 feet. Like hellkites they have similarly effective claws, and many have keratin-barbed tails. Rare exceptions have been known to possess fire breathing but most lack that feature. [/hider] [hider=Basilisks] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/81/a2/4c/81a24c9aeca55f06926d0cd148cf7ea2.jpg [/img] Basilisks are venomous variants with snake-like fangs among rows of smaller teeth, elongated limbs and a lighter build. While not as strong or durable as the other variants they are swift and possess fibers in their toes and fingers similar to geckoes and anoles, allowing them to cling to most surfaces and scale walls and ceiling with ease. Their necks can stretch out up to a 1/4th of their original height and can deliver swift bites from a distance. This variant relies on speed and stealth rather then brute force then the other variants, and as such they are frowned upon and even bullied a bit by the other variants as a sort of racism. Their venom acts as both a narcotic and blood thinner. Which means that they can not only knock victims out with a single bite, but even small cuts are dangerous to those effected by the toxin. Fortunately the toxin can be easily beat off by strong natural immune systems. A healthy human can beat it off with a long rest. They typically stand 7 to 10 feet tall not including their neck-stretching factor. Their tails tend to slither against the ground and are much longer compared to other variants. They have less horns, spikes, and other sharp features then other variants, but possess more variants of frills, sails, and dulaps. [/hider] [hider=Nagas] [img]https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRwDnQYOkyrn6Rkg0QBe0PlgTW4FYcZTBVviFTOkzmt5kL5Tafs[/img] The only female variant of the race, they are serpentine, and lack legs. Instead having one large tail and soft scuted chest that act like a snakes. They still possess three clawed hands and have more humanoid heads. Nagas make up for their lack of fighting proweness with uniquely honored statuses and revered for high intelligence and wisdom. Nagas are often appointed generals and some tribes that rely on other traits aside from strength elect nagas as their leaders. Still they have the unique ability to constrict victims like a snake so long as they have a good opportunity to do so. [/hider] [/hider]