[u]Vestec, Level 4 God of Chaos[/u] [b]Might:[/b] 8 [b]Free point:[/b] 3 Vestec crashed through a mountain the, now burning, landscape of his Realm of Madness. [i]My, My, Mammon's really changed the place.[/i] He mused, picking himself up from the hole he made in the center of it. More of his Divine blood pooled in the hole, pouring from the gash that nearly severed his arm from his shoulder. He looked up at the God of Death, dark winged and Scythe at the ready. "Reathos, is this about your precious Pronobii?" He called, rolling his shoulder as it reknit itself. "I'm sorry your precious genocidal maniacs were all nearly killed by-" He dodged to the side as Reathos' scythe tore through the rest of the mountain, sheering it in half. Vestec appeared on the other side, giggling. "Not in the mood for talking? I understand. I'd be upset too if my chosen race was on the brink of extinction." Reathos charged, forcing Vestec to dodge to the side again. This time, however, he kicked the God of Death through the mountain. "Come now Reathos. You can't win this. Especially not while angry." Vestec chided. The rest of the mountain exploded as Reathos burst free, rubble rained down as he swept his scythe towards Vestec. The God of Chaos ducked, hand forming claws to rake Reathos' stomach. As more Divine blood fell to the ground (interestingly enough Reathos' blood was black and stinking of rot, where Vestec's was bright and constantly changing colors and smells) and the God of Death stumbled backwards, Vestec's claws hooked under his chin and threw him across the landscape. Vestec leapt up and followed, zooming over the burning lands to come down in a frigid tundra, examining the furrow Reathos had made. "You look like you hit hard, bro-" He snarled, his colors flashing violently red, as Reathos' scythe cut through his ankle, making him fall to the ground. "Sneak attacks? After such bravery? For shame!" He hissed, rolling to the side as the Scythe came crashing down, creating a great crack for miles in the earth. Vestec threw up a hand Pure Chaos energy slammed into Reathos' body, throwing the Lord of Death hundreds of feet back only to crash into a steaming heap on the ground. Vestec picked himself up, testing his leg. "What did you think to accomplish, Reathos? You're attacking me in a realm crafted from my essence, shaped by Mammon's essence. You possess neither. You're doomed to los-" Vestec darted back as Reathos attacked again, his scythe tearing through the air in an attempt to cut him in half. "You can't damage my stomach, it's my least annoying part!" Skeletal hands wrapped around Vestec's legs, hundreds of them. He glanced down, using Chaos magic to burn them away, and that was all the time Reathos needed. The God of Death hit him with all the force an angry god could muster, and they went tearing through the Realm of Madness. Demons were scattered and killed as they tore through forests of blood, mountains of skulls, temples to death and deprivation. Hellfire licked against them as they tore at each other, doused by Divine Blood. They crashed into the middle of a river, it quickly turning black and soul draining with Reathos' blood pouring into it, as Vestec tore a chunk of his chest free. The God of Chaos was thrown free, landing on the black and rocky ground. He picked himself up, bleeding profusely from dozens of wounds, his left arm barely hanging on and repairing itself. A slash went from hip to groin, gushing Vestec's ever-changing blood. Still, the mad god giggled. "What fun, what fun! Are you having as much fun as I am, Reathos?" The God of Death burst from the river, water dripping from his remaining wing and mixing with his blood. He was in no better shape. One wing tore off, claw marks all over his body, oozing the black blood of death. Half of his face was torn off, blood gushing all over the ground. Vestec giggled again. "We've had our fun, Death Maker. Now it's time for you to go home and tend to your flock. I'll even let them live. We've torn apart half of this realm. Go now, before I lose my pa-" A giant skeletal hand burst from the ground behind Vestec and slammed into him, crushing him to the ground. It's fingers were claws of bones, piercing through his shoulders and arms to pin him to the ground, exposing his head for the final blow. Reathos' Scythe rose up to end it all. Vestec's colors suddenly turned a deep, dark, red. "Enough." His voice was deep and guttural with rage, as Chaos energy burst off of him in a wave, shattering the skeletal hand and throwing Reathos back. He stood up, much longer claws out and seeming to drip with blood. "I gave you a chance Reathos." The God of Death was still struggling to pick himself up as Vestec advanced, his scythe flashing wildly out. Vestec caught it, tossing it aside. "I wonder. What happens when Death dies?" He leapt upon Reathos, claws rising up and down with terrible speed and violence, black blood flying all throughout the air as Reathos screamed and screamed. Demons were drawn by the howling. Imps, beasts, Lords, they all came to the sounds of a God dying. Vestec wasn't sure how long he tore at Reathos. Could have been minutes. Could have been years. Regardless when he stopped the God of Death was a bloody mess and quite, quite dead. Limbs were torn off, chest torn open, head ripped free from the body. Slowly, Vestec's colors returned to their normal state and he tilted his head at the mess. His own wounds had long since healed, and his claws returned to his normal hands, stained black with Reathos' blood. "Well, well brother. It appears your time with us is at an end. But don't worry. I'll ensure your legacy continues on." He picked up Reathos' Scythe, hand, and head. "Lets see here..." He ripped out the Lord of Death's eyes, and cut off the top of his head. Opening the skull he ripped out Reathos' tongue, tossing it to the pile of limbs and gore. "I'll come back for the rest of you later. Right now, I need to sow your legacy across the world." Vestec left the Realm of Madness, rising up high upon the world. He took the seven parts of Reathos and shaped the Divine Essence lingering in them, making them less...morbid and more appealing to mortals. That done, he threw them across the world, allowing them to land where they may and whatever Mortals wished to find them could. "Now. I have business in the Venomweald." [hider=Summary] -Reathos and Vestec brawl in the Realm of Madness, destroying a bunch of it's newly formed lands and ecosystems (of demons) -Vestec is highly amused at first, but gradually loses his patience and temper with it. -Reathos doesn't take a hint to leave while he can, and Vestec finally loses his temper and lets Violence take control, knocking Reathos to the ground and savagely tearing at him. -Reathos is slain, and Vestec's hands are stained black with his blood. Vestec takes a bunch of Reathos' body parts and crafts them into artifacts that could be used by mortals. (-1 might) -Vestec tosses said artifacts willy nilly about the world, then heads towards the Venomweald. [b]Might:[/b] 7 [b]Freepoint:[/b] 3 [/hider]