[hider=Mr. Rakkan] [b]Name:[/b] Mr. Rakken (sometimes called Rah) [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] His body resembles a xenomorph from the movie Alien, being black and skeletal looking; similar to an insect's exoskeleton. However, he has no tail and his head looks more like a cat (maintaining a skeletal black look), without ears, nose, or any hair. He doesn't appear as scrawny as an actual skeleton, still retaining the bulk of an athletic human male, standing 6'2" tall. His eyes are red with no whites of the eye. His teeth are very sharp. The claws on his hands and feet can extend to a length of five inches, normally being an inch long. [b]Personality:[/b] Despite appearances he's very kind hearted and gentlemanly. He doesn't get angry at people judging him, only saddened. Thanks to this he knows never to judge anyone by appearances. However, he's not naive either (knowing how horrible mankind can be) so wouldn't ignore facts of someone being evil, just not judging a book by it's cover is all. He desires to rehabilitate people and give them second chances if at all possible, resorting to violence only when all other reasonable means fail. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Physical Abilities-[/b] He can leap upwards from ground level, landing on his feet through a second story window. He focuses more on mobility than brute force, running at speeds of 40 miles per hour. His attack power, while almost peak human strength so is impressive in it's own right, is mostly in the form of his extremely sharp teeth and claw points, which can puncture anything short of bulletproof vests for heavy calibers. His body exoskeleton is tough but pierced by medium powered or better guns without much difficulty. [b]Black Goo Regeneration-[/b] His body is largely made up of a black goo-like substance that can sustain all his life functions without vital organs for a certain amount of time depending on how much material is left. If he's missing half a body than there's little he can do. If he's relatively intact than he can last up to ten minutes even with a destroyed heart. If his brain is destroyed or he looses too many cells than his body goes limp, but normal organ destruction allows him to keep on going only a little worse for wear for the time being. For things like muscles destruction then this can inhibit his movement more, but mainly if large holes are made in the muscle or cut entirely. He cannot heal rapidly during battle, as this is mainly just for sustaining his life functions. He can recover from almost any injury, but this takes time. He would be out of commission for a month if his brain is destroyed. Only a large amount of his cells collected in one place can begin the recovery process, so his head could never sprout out a new body by itself. His body would be effectively dead in the meantime That being said, if his heart is destroyed then he could last ten minutes, momentarily become as good as dead, and then be good as new in about a week or so depending on the extent of the damage. [b][u]Equipment[/u][/b] [b]Outfit:[/b] Normally in a business suit, minus shoes that can't fit his feet easily. [b]Other:[/b] He carries with him a briefcase if on his normal job. [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] WIP [/hider]