She was happy she hadn't needed to ditch the group. Well, that wasn't exactly true but she was at least happy she hadn't needed to brave the Frankfurt phone lines just so she wouldn't stand out. It was in situations like this that basing your look on an internationally famous musical duo had its advantages. One of the [i]few[/i] conceivable situations, certainly, but after this week any lucky break at all was a godsend. "We were promised riches." Phone Freak said, but there wasn't much confidence behind it. "I'm more surprised that all we're after is money. I mean, this person seems to have enough. After the occult symbols I was expecting something much more ominous. No you can [i]not [/i]get a picture!" She said for the third time that hour to some eager, camera toting dork. She hadn't even let him ask the question that time, just seen the camera in his hands and the look on his face. He trotted off dejectedly. The last thing she needed was to be pasted up in somebodies Comic-Con album on Imgur.